So we are crate training Ein at night only since someone is home all the time. So far she hates going in, but settles down once in there. Our biggest issue is peeing during the night. I put her in about 11pm, we get up between 8-9, occasionally my son treats me to a 10 am wake up. She doesn't whine or anything, so I just assumed she was sleeping.

I got her this morning and it reaked! So I took the pad and towel out to wash and they were soaked! I don't know how either! We take away her water at 8pm and walk her often until bed time. Any help or suggestions? Thank you!

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how old is she? we had to take linus out about every 2-3 hours (even overnight) until he was about 3-4 months old. we didn't crate him, we had him penned, but if we didn't take him out he would pee on the pads in the pen.

Depends on how old she is and how big the crate is. Sometimes they just can't hold it that long or if the crate is too big the puppy will just pee where they aren't sleeping. Also, if her early life was spent crated alot she may have lost the preference to have a clean bed. I have always used a puppy proof room or an x-pen with newspapers for training. As the pup gets older, you can remove some of the newspapers. However, my fastest dog to be house trained was when my "night owl" son lived with us and took the puppy out about 1 to 2 in the morning.

How big is the crate?

11 - 8 is 9 hours in the crate. Odds are Ein just cant hold it. Taking Ein out at night is a better alternative than having her get used to a dirty pen and dread going in there. Try getting up in the middle of it just for a quick potty break.


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