

These are my two girls, Tia corgi x Jack and Dana my Irish Setter.  We have always kept Irish Setters, but back in April we fell in love with a little puppy at the local rescue centre and to say its been a learning curb would be an understatement. 

She is so affectionate and will try and turn herself inside out to get on your lap for a cuddle.  But is getting quite anti with visitors and strangers and barks at anything and everything.

So have joined this forum in the hope that I can gain some tips from all you knowledgeable corgi owners.

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Welcome! The combo of Jack and Corgi could mean a very headstrong little dog. I would look into some obedience classes ASAP. You probably have a very smart, cute and tough little dog there that will behave very differently than an Irish Setter. Believe me, I had Beagles and a Standard Poodle before my first corgi and they are very, very different! Fun but a bit of a challenge too. Nothing In Life Is Free has some good tips to consider.


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