I took Baxter to Banfield today for a skin scrape because I was worried about hair loss next to his nose.  The test came out positive for Demodex mange, which is typically passed to pups through the mother.  They explained to me that due to it being a genetic condition, it'll be a lifetime disease typically triggered by weakened immune systems especially since Baxter is still a pup.


They prescribed Mitiban dips for 6 weeks and it'll go as follows:

1.  Dip once a week for 4 weeks followed by a skin scrape.

2.  With a negative skin scrape, 2 additional dips.

3.  With a positive skin scrape, 2 additional dips followed by a skin scrape.

* A 6 week course of treatment will be roughly $400.


I'm worried about the amount of chemicals he'll be absorbing during this treatment period and am thinking of getting a second opinion.  Has anyone had similar experiences?  They stressed the importance of quality food for his immune system; he's currently on Taste of the Wild Sierra Mountain.  Dogfoodanalysis.com gave it a pretty decent rating.  Should I be giving him daily vitamins to boost his immune system?


Thank you in advance for your help!

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He was scratching before the dips but it didn't get bad until after the first dip. So I don't know if it was from the dip or just maybe the mites acting up more from the dip. If Baxter only has it on his nose, then definitely ask to go to Ivermectin and save yourself a lot of money that you could use to buy him toys or vitamins. lol

I have a solution but it's totally different but one I would at least try but the I'm a tree hugger and proud of it.


If you go to EARTH.CLINIC folk medicines and look under pets/mange...there is a recipe for Peroxide (I love the stuff) and Borax that I would try ...just another option to try and less poiseneous:)

I tried that the first time Kiba started going bald and I'm not sure if it really helped any since this time I'm not using it and it seems to be going away just as fast. It doesn't hurt them and it's always worth a try...might even work better for Baxter than it did for Kiba
Thank you so much for this recommendation.  I was cringing at the thought of having him sponged with Mitiban so that he's completely soaked, especially since his problem area is his nose.
Do you have a picture of the damage because Napolean had this sort of problem before, but I'm not sure whether the problem is the same. He had lose of skin around his nose but it eventually started to crust over.
This was about a week or so ago before his skin scrape.  It's a bit more red in person but I've only noticed the hair loss in that area.
You are in Coco and Dinos thoughts and prayers.

After reading just a small bit about, I agree with the second opinion!  Also  Ivermectin sounds alot better than all that dip.


We had a large seizure of puppy mill dogs a while ago. The last one to find a home had lots of problems, including bald spots, redness and general stinkiness.  There were some who actually cheered when demodex was finally diagnosed, because it was one of the most treatable of the possibilities. The downside was the cost of the medication, but we had an Angel waiting to cover the costs for him. This doggy went to find his home once we got a handle on his problems.

So don't despair. Sometimes it's good news.

But it is NOT what that Banfield person told you. Geesh!

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