My vet is closed so I cannot contact them right now, so I have a question..
This past week Gibson has been sneezing a lot and the past two days he has had a runny nose and has eye discharge (either clear or kind of yellowish). He has also been having at least one reverse sneeze attack a day (the past few days..and it has been at 6am each day) and he usually only has those once a month or so. Also, I use a martingale collar, and he has been choking during normal walks with it if he pulls to hard in a direction, which he never does. The weather is warming up and most people are sneezing and having their spring allergies come on. Could this be happening for Gibson too? Or does it sound more serious? He is playing/eating/sleeping and doing everything else normally. He seems the worst in the morning (in fact I do not notice it most of the rest of the day..usually not until night time). Any advice? I would really appreciate it as I am starting to be a crazy worrying mom :)