Does anyone else have a dog who intentionally loses things?

I think ours is training us. He "loses" his ball all the time (under the couch, under our cedar chest, under the tv stand, and anything else he can just squeeze it under), make a half-hearted attempt to get it, and then barks until someone gets it back out for him. We've tried ignoring him or giving one of the other 3 balls he has sitting within 2 feet of him, but he wants THAT ball.. ya know, the one that 10 seconds after you get it for him will be right back under the couch.. Because even though you threw it across the room for him to fetch, he brought it right back to that same spot so he could lose it again. At first we thought it may have been an accident. Until it happened a few more times and we caught on to his game. (He also enjoys dropping it between the rungs of the coffee table, but that's so he can climb through them to get it himself) Anybody else have a dog who does this? Or any other kind of weird corgi games?

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I joined just because I wanted to reply to this comment.  We have a 3 year old corgi, and he has done this since a puppy.  He rolls the ball under the sofa or sideboard then barks until someone comes and retrieves it.  Sometimes he will go chase a ball and bring it back but other times, he just watches it go, then looks at us like, "You threw it, you go get it"  Corgis are just the most wonderful dog to have in a family. :))

Once I get the backyard fenced in this summer it'll be a food time to teach fetch, but with a leash it doesn't work well.

My neighbors think I'm probably crazy as I throw the ball, I run with Wally, I pick it up, I run back...   lol

But he does bring it close to me from time to time.

Our first corgi, Asta, used to do this all the time. Tennis balls were pushed under the TV stand (back in the day before they were thin enough to hang on the wall), kongs were knocked under the sofa, and treats were batted under the stove or fridge.
Her other favorite game was Laundry Rescue. She'd drop her fluffy disc toy into a basket of clean laundry as soon as I'd set it down and then proceed to pull out the clean items to get at the toy, even though her toy was easily accessible on top of the other items. As she pulled more items out, she'd have to tip the basket over to get at the last items. Then she'd bark until I'd get the fluffy disc out of the basket, despite the fact that it was easily within her reach. I think this was her favorite game (and mine too --- made laundry folding much more entertaining!)

My corgi hides bones, balls and toys under the couches, and so did my last dog (a beagle/lab mix).  I think this is their version of trying to BURY the item in the house like they will do outside.  The only problem is that once under the couch, they generally can't get it out (dig it up) again :o)

My corgi put a hole in the loveseat trying to "dig" out his favorite bone.

Has yours ever attemptd to "bury" a chew in in the linoleum flooring? LOL Buddha has done this and I about pee my pants giggling at him. To which, he turns and looks at me like "It's not funny, the dumb thing won't move and now I have to do all this work over again".
Same thing here with my boy. Except he is going on 11 yrs old and he does this with his chews. He does what we call 'happy scoots' (jumping and tossing the chew into the air, catching it, chasing it across the floor with his feet and mouth like a cat) and I swear he purposefully loses it under the stove, couch, recliner, or coffee table.
LoL it must be a corgi thing! He's done this for many years now.

Sonny was lying on the kitchen floor yesterday staring at the bottom of the stove....I thought maybe he had seen a mouse.  I felt under there, and there was his favorite reindeer antler I haven't seen for a month :) ... He was SO happy to get it back!


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