About two months ago I noticed that Libby was having difficulty with her bowels. I became really worried when I noticed that she was also getting mucus and blood in her stool. I took her to the vet and after an examination and testing the stool sample he said that she had colitis. I was really surprised because I didn't even know that dogs could have colitis! He gave me some medication and and told me to make her some rice. He said that perhaps it was something that she had eaten. Libby is having trouble with colitis again today! She hasn't eaten anything differently, so I am not sure why she is sick. I feel so badly for her! The medication did help with her colitis but it also makes her very ill. The first few days she had diarrhea (I am assuming that is why the vet suggested that I give her rice) and she also vomited. I was just wondering if anyone else has a Corgi with this problem and what you do to make them feel better.