Franklin likes to play fetch but he won't play fetch with normal toys. He insists on playing with sticks, rocks, and pine cones. I really want to teach him that fetching a tennis ball is just as fun (if not more fun) than fetching a stick. Has anyone ever taught their reluctant corgi to fetch a ball? I find that fetch is a great outlet for his energy and I just can't throw a stick as far as a ball and he's injured himself a couple of times trying to pick up a stick at a full run and so I'm looking for a safer method of fetch. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!!

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Seanna fetches the ball, and then keeps on running....rarely does she bring it back...
Romeo LOVES to play fetch with his toys!
Problem is if he had it his way he would play ALL day! lol
He barks at me if I do no reciprocate hahaha.
From the first day I got him he was interested in his toys.
I would clap and say yahhhhh good dog and make a fuss when he brought it to me, then throw the toy then repeat it.
You could try rewarding him every time he brings it to you with treats.
Is he interested in toys/balls in general?
What about those balls with the treats u can put n them?
Winston is pretty good about fetching. When I started, I would bounce the ball once or twice to spark his excitement and then throw it a few feet. I'd tell him to fetch while he was already running after the ball. Once he grabbed it, in the beginning, I'd make a lot of silly excitable sounds and motions to encourage him to run back over to me. When he did, I'd make a huge fuss over how great and smart and good he was. Now he pretty much will "Fetch" and "Bring It Here!" when I tell him unless my lazy corgi decides I'm too far away. Then he thinking that ripping the fuzz off the tennis ball is more appealing, lol.

I'd just try to get Franklin interested in the ball and then work on being within easy arm-range so you can kind of get him back to you with the ball and reward him for it. Once he realizes how much fun and how great you think he is when he gives you the ball back, I'm sure he'll be fetching tennis balls left and right!
LOL!!! Watch and see what Griffyn likes to play fetch with!! And remember... please don't tell him it's no longer a ball!!!
LMAOROF! :) Great video!
i love this video!! it is so funny and adorable! and dont worry, i will not tell him its not a ball anymore;)
Keke only want to play fetch at home. She totally ignore the ball when she was outside.
yeah I think he is just a bit ADD. He will play for a while and then just watch me throw the ball or stick and look at me and say "your turn".....Maybe he's just not destined to be a fetcher. I'll try the different tricks with the ball though. I'm also going to quit throwing anything but his toys (i.e. no more sticks) and maybe he'll catch on that if he wants to fetch he has to fetch with the toys I choose.
Jack will enthusiastically run after the ball and then wants us to chase him.

Maddie gets so excited she barks herself hoarse, starts to run after it and either a) gets distracted before she reaches it or b) picks it up and then gets distracted and drops it.

I got Jack to bring it back more regularly by trading up for a treat when he drops it and then throwing it again. Maddie's ADD is a little tougher to fix though!

Both mine think tennis balls are the best. thing. EVER! so getting them to chase a ball was no biggy. If yours doesn't like it, try upping the ante by bouncing it and making "Ready, ready READY!!!" sounds at him, or using a chuck-it or other ball launcher. You might also rub a little peanut butter on it, but then he probably won't bring it back.

Another trick to get a dog interested in a toy is to take it out, bounce it a few times, look like you want it and then put it away without letting him have it. Do this a half-dozen times over a week or so and chances are he'll be thrilled to chase it when you finally throw it.
Maddie sounds exactly like Franklin! He acts like he is just DYING to get the ball and then I throw it and he does both of the things she does. If I go get the ball he gets super excited again and sometimes will fetch it the second time, sometimes go get it and then just drop it off to the side somewhere. He's obsessed with chuck-its but is so focused on the end that holds the ball that he doesn't care about the ball. We will just have to do lots of baby steps. Thanks for the advice.
if fetch didnt exist i dont think teddy would be here lol he loves fetch, with anything. if theres not a toy withing reach he will grab just about anything so u can play. he is a good boy and brings it right back to me:) i actually didnt teach it to him he just does it. just make the toys interesting, have a high pitch voice and make a big deal when he goes to get it like" o my gosh!! such a good boy!!" that will get him excited and wanna play with his toys:) everyone here is giving wonderful advice. he will be playing fetch in no time with his toys
Casey doesn't mind chasing something I've thrown, but is completely disinterested in bringing it back. She would rather have me chase her with it, or lay down and chew it, or drop it on the ground and go investigate something in the corner of the yard.

I do something similar as Beth suggests, where I "trade" when Casey brings back the toy/ball. If I've got something she wants (usually some ripped up pieces of jerky or even just handfuls of her kibble) she'll retrieve anything. But without that, she loses interest quite quickly. Even if we're out somewhere interesting (other than our backyard), she'll only retrieve for food for 6-7 times before losing interest and wandering off to sniff something.

I think some dogs are just not that interested in fetch. My puppy-class instructor used to go on about how boring fetch must be for a dog with smarts, and she could see how a lot of dogs find "chase me with the toy" a much more interesting and interactive game (hence why a lot of them do this and why they need to be trained to retrieve like any other training).


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