Our corgi Owein has been limping for about two months now. We've kept his activity to almost nothing, cut him off from playing ball and running up the stairs.  After multiple trips to the vet, xrays and pain pills, we think it's time to see a specialist.  We know this is going to be expensive and are hoping that if we get insurance it will help offset the costs. My question to you is, Do you have insurance and do you or have you used it?  What company do you have?


My second question, does anyone know or have a referral for Southern California for a specialist? We're in Orange County.



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I have not used pet insurance, but if you do choose one make sure you read the fine print carefully. It may be difficult to find one that is going to cover a pre-existing condition,

I've had it with 2 of my cats...it came with them from the rescue.  One turned out to have a serious problem.  The pet insurance covered the problem for the time of the free coverage.  Once it came time to renew under my name they refused to cover the same thing saying it was pre-existing.

I would make sure you check that they will cover any treatment seeing how it will be a pre-existing condition.

we have it for all our pets, though Jane is right, pre-existing conditions get tricky to cover.

we're using embrace, we switched from vpi because they were awful (for us).

i have aspca insurance for linus. i've filed 3 claims so far and gotten a decent amount of money back all 3xs.

I can not help with the second question, but we currently have Embrace. They do not cover pre-existing conditions as far as I know. I asked for a full medical review when our dog was about one year old and had had a few issues with eating this she shouldn't. So, far I haven't had to make a claim, which is the real test anyways. You might want to check out http://www.petinsurancereview.com/.


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