So I finally found my little pup and will be coming home to me in the next 3 - 4 weeks! I've been doing a lot of research of what food to feed her! The Breeders feed her Royal Canin. I don't know whether or not to continue with Royal Canin or switch to brands such as Wellness, TOTW or Orijen! As far treats are concerned I think i might just use carrots. Is it healthy enough to use milk-bones or the chicken jerky treats? Please let me know!

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Congrats! As far as food goes, read the faq, be an informed logical consumer, make the best decision for your own pup, forgo brand loyalty and pay attention to the recall section on your right.

Treats have many levels:

Carrots would be your "cheerios" treats, common, healthy and cheap.

Gourmet cheese / real chicken / smelly yummy food should be saved as the ultimate bargaining chip and you should only use them once in a blue moon.
Thanks! BTW you have a great website here! A lot of info on this website. I'm very excited and can't wait live my life with a corgi.
congrats on your new puppy!! there are discussions on here that are very helpful and will give you tips and what to feed your new puppy:) i personally recommend wellness as its an all natural food and i have had great results in my two cats and my corgi teddy. and im happy that u will be using healthy treats such as carrots but when u are potty training i would use jerky treats or zukes little bit treats, those are teddys favorite when i was potty training lol, the best part is zukes is all natural
I've also heard rawhide is really bad for dogs too. But is this okay? . As for jerky treats, is this okay? . Thank you all for the help!
Rawhide can be unpredictable, it gets dangerous when pieces are broken up, swallowed, lodged and swelled causing a blockage. Some dogs cannot tolerate it and have loose stool because of it.

The first link might be a little too big for your new pup for now. Bully sticks are more digestible, but regardless of what the treat is, always supervise.
My favorite place to buy treats is

The curly bullsticks, cow trachea (gross I know), and the himalayan yak cheese are favorites around here. For training treats I like Zuke's Mini Naturals, but I use actual cooked chicken during puppy classes. Small pieces of carrots, cheerios, green beans etc. are fine too.

My dogs gets rawhides all the time and I haven't had any problems with them, but you do need to watch to make sure your dog isn't ripping big pieces off and trying to swallow them. My guys just chew them slowly so it's never been an issue.

I personally do not feed my dogs any type of cooked or smoked bones due to the possibility of it splintering. They do occasionally get raw bones though.

I would advise against any chicken jerky (or duck, whatever) that is made in china like the one in your link. There have been several reports of the treats making the dogs very sick.
i never have had any problems with raw hides either but just make sure u watch them when they are chewing, teddy found a small piece in his bed that i didnt know and he tried to swallow it and he began to choke on it. if he wasn't in our bedroom i wouldn't have known, so just be careful. but just like Jane said, i wouldnt buy the treats u see at walmart but petco always has natural treats. food made out of this country is a big no no. but food u make your self is encouraged:) like chicken
I feed Blue Buffalo Wilderness, though I've heard you shouldn't start a pup on such a high protein food until after they are about 6 to 8 months. Blue Buffalo also makes a puppy formula that would be good. My pup didn't tolerate the Wellness so I fed AvoDerm for the first year. Be sure to buy a small bag first and do a very gradual switch. Some dogs just can't tolerate the more high quality foods, especially puppies so buying a 24 lbs bag and then having to throw it away is a big bummer. You can never transition too slowly and sometimes the slower you go the more likely they will tolerate the new stuff. My pup came to me being fed Wellness and had constant diarrhea to the point where I had to feed him a vet prescribed bland diet for a month to let his GI tract calm down. Everyone else seems to have a great experience with Wellness. Innova and Candidae are also great. You can look at the dogfoodanalysis website and it rates all the foods, you'd probably want to start with a 4 or 5 star food while he's little bitty then work up to a 6 star food.

I make my own chicken jerky, just cut chicken breasts into thin strips and cook on 150 degrees for about 3 hours. For puppy classes I made hotdog "jerky" by cooking hotdog pieces in the oven. When you use a super yummy treat you only have to give tiny little pieces so pretty much any tasty yummy thing is ok because it's not like you are giving them 20 bags of them or something. GOOD LUCK!
Thanks for jerky treat recipe I have wanted to get a dehydrator for sweet potatoes and meats,but I will try my oven instead !
The key will be to not do too much switching of food at first. Get a small bag of what the breeder is currently feeding and then do your research into the brands available in your area. Whole Dog Journal is a really good resource for information on dog foods. Make sure it's a choice you can live with as well as your pocket book. Watch the recall list as Sam suggested too.

Treats--watch the carrots. Carrots are actually a high sugar veggie and have been shown to cause issues with some dogs. Like Sam said, "value" the treats. Those that are low value for giving lots of such as cheerios, life cereal, carrots, green beans, apples, etc. Then commerical or locally made biscuits and lastly, the high value, OMG treats that a dog will do anything for-grilled chicken, jerkies, tends to be more meat based treats that hit this level.

Avoid raw hides, hooves and such as they can carry salmonela or swell and get stuck in the dogs digestive tract. I use raw meaty cow leg bones or ribs. Bully sticks, greenies, really tough jerkies or antlers for the chew factors.

Good luck! And remember, a corgi is not a picky eater. Only you can create one and living with one is no fun.
If you can afford it, it's best to buy food through the vet (best) or at a pet store (very good). I get Natural Balance organic formula and Ein's coat is beautiful, and he's not fat. I get the freeze dried liver pieces and he loves those. I also like to go to the vet to get a small bag of the dental food as treats.
I've looked into all the recommended brands. For the recommended amount of protein and other nutrients the pup needs, Innova seems to top the list! Although it all depends if she can handle it or not with her stomach.


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