I love Tucker's little lippers. They are pink and black and oh so cute. Actually I love his whole snout/lip area.

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My tri corgi has great lips. The black outline shows up well with the white on his snout. They are very kissable!

I call the little black hair on Bertie's upper lip his "gigolo moustache" -- as in "hey cutie, why don't you come over to my place for a little ... puppy wrestling?"
That is a great picture! How did you get such a great pose?
Bertie is a total ham when a camera comes out. He jumped right up on the stand and sat just like that until the photographer was done -- then asked for a snausage or a pupperoni or some equally revolting fast-food snack. Which he got.....
Ginny's snout is so kissable. I love kissing on her little pinky-nose and the side of her face. I think she likes it too, but she's not allowed to kiss back!
I love my Corgi's lips. I love everything about them really. The long snouts are so kissable. Randy has the cutest little black nose. Leo has more of a hitler mustache, but still just too cute. They both have freckles on their snouts which I think is adorable.
Kissable Lippers!!

Oh my gosh he's got the same sweet face that Kiwi does. Must be something about the HoneyFox Corgis ;). He's adorable!!! Yes, he does have kissable lips :). We are going to look at another little male pup this Sunday from Susan...Kiwi might be getting a little brother soon :).
Oh yea, we're going to the dog park this Saturday (weather permitting) probably around 9:30 am. Would love to see you there and meet Tucker man.
Hey, I have a Honeyfox corgi too. They have such a soft look don't they! Izzy is the sweetest dog I have ever had.
I just looked at your pictures - what cuties! Izzy definitely has a similar look to Tucker. They have those sweet innocent faces. Guess they are all cousins :)
The eye liner is cool. I call Leo "Leopatra" cause of his dark eyes.
it just frames their smiles so well! :) ein has a killer smile :)


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