My 6 month old corgi is an indoor dog. We started using Frontline Plus when he was 4 months to prevent flea/tick infestation and his last application was on April 29. About a week before his application, my friend brought over his golden retriever, who is also on Frontline Plus, but he told me that he had spotted a few fleas on her the day before. On Monday we found and killed 8 fleas on him, and since then we have found a few more (even after we gave him a bath) everyday. We made sure to wash his bed, blankets and even the hardwood floor. 

Has anyone dealt with fleas, and if so, what kind of remedies work for pets? 

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Sorry don't have much info as we are not in a high flea area. the couple times I did find a couple fleas...I bathed sage in kills fleas and is gentle on the dogs!

You pretty much need to wash EVERYTHING  that is soft...your bedding, throw rugs...anything that can go in the washer, hot water and put them in the dryer.  You also need to treat carpets, curtains/drapers, soft furniture (couches, chairs, your mattress).  Fleas spend more time off your dog than on him and they get into everything.  You can find sprays at places like PetSmart, PetCo and any other place that sells pet supplies.

I live in an area where we get infestations every couple of has a lot to do with it.  Last year was bad, I can't tell you how many times I washed whatever would go in the washer and sprayed the hell out of everything else...lots of times.  Took me about a month to get a handle on it.

We use Frontline Plus but I've found that the fleas even come in on me.  I was working in the garden and came in to answer the phone, sat down in the chair and saw all these black specks on my white socks.  Fleas!  Hung up on my mother and ran outside and dumped all my footwear.  There are yard sprays you can get at places like Home Depot to treat the yard.  Thankfully it's only every so many years when it's bad.


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