I've heard that when the pups are teething, it affects their ears.Now, Copper's left ear instead of the right, is bending back a little bit. I'm not too worried as I am curious.I was also wondering if anyone had a pembroke that still has fat paws as an adult. I love his fat little paws and though they seem they aren't going anywhere, I feel like I could be fooled with trickery. lol I also feel bad for the little guy because he liked riding in the car at first, then came the snow. When the snow got hard and crunchy and made sounds while hitting the tires, he got scared. Finally, just yesterday, he went to the car with no trouble and stayed awake for the whole ride, smiling, looking out the window, giving me little licks. Then, all of my cd's fell out of the holder on the visor, made a huge racket while reflecting off the sun and sending reflections everywhere and hit him in the face. I felt so bad. He was shaking and trying to get in my lap and now we are back to square one. After we were at my grandma's, I tried to get him back in the car. HA! He was like "yeah right, I don't think so!" Does anyone else have this problem? I try to get him excited for the ride and race him to the care and everything but now I feel like we have to start all over again!

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No answer for the ears. I have seen other corgis with fat paws ( I think they are adorable, squeezable). With the car, that's another issue... While Cosmo will live in my car, Nala is ok until I turn the car on. It's a constant whining and moving in the back seat. I restrained her with a harness and a seat belt connector, and she whined more. My latest attempt has been invest in a car seat booster. We went on a car ride for around 20 minutes yesterday, using the seat boosters for the first time. Impressions? : Cosmo thinks that a car seat booster is an amazing invention. Nala moved a little and the volume of her whining was turned down a lot. But she still does it. I guess I am finally in the right direction. About the noises, we can't help them too much with that. I play New Age music in my car to try to sooth them. The way Cosmo looks at me and turn her ears while I play Rock, tells me its not her favorite. LOL I will keep them exposed both to car rides, until hopefully one day she might tolerate them. Thank goodness she doesn't get car sick!!

Here is the link for the car seat booster that me and other corgi owners have bought:


Good luck!
Ears...possibly the stress. Riley has rather large paws at 8 months, I love them, hope he has them as an adult. As for the car issue...Riley loves car rides...he rides in a kennel (crate), probably feels more secure.
Pooh LOVED car rides!!! He would race me to the car. Cop doesn't whine he just hesitates getting in there and sleeps most of the time. I was thinking about getting him a booster seat because he loves to look out the window so I will have to invest in that and see how it works out. Thanks!
The paws and ears are both related to calcium during teething. To facilitate teething the body will suck calcium away from ears and feet making Corgi ears fall down and paws go flat. In fact, you can help the ears go up and the paws stay tight, or "fat," by doing the same thing! A little calcium everyday with either cottage cheese or plain yogurt will supplement the calcium the body draws away from ears and paws during teething. Also, keeping nails trimmed short (twice a week with a dremmel or even pedipaws) will help to keep those paws tight too.
thanks! Good to know
I am curious about corgi puppy ears...why some little ears never stand up...what causes that?
Here are some pictures of the 2nd time using the Car Booster seat. Nala still moves, but it's much more restricted. She is not getting tangled with the seat belt and becoming a "corgi pretzel". The volume on the whining has been reduced, as she is getting distracted by looking out the window. One thing that I like about the booster seat is that it brings a lot of peace of mind knowing where the dogs are in the car. A couple of times I have had to stop the car because Nala got stuck in the bottom of the passenger seat. I guess she was looking for something. I kinda like this booster seat idea. The second ride was for 32 minutes to a dog park and it was successful. I think I'm finally in the right direction for a solution. Yay!

Here are the girl's reviews: First Cosmo, then Nala's honest opinion.

I love this! I think I definitely have to get one for Cop! Do they have boy looking ones?


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