Absolutely adorable and sweet male corgi showed up on our farm a week ago with no collar and no ID. Haven't been able to locate his owner. We have a female corgi and are completely willing and able to keep him, but if someone is looking for him, I want to get him back to his rightful home.

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I would find out from your local humane society what the regulations are regarding found dogs and when you can legally consider the dog yours before you have him neutered. When the legal requirements have been met, then you can consider him yours even if an owner were to show up a month or more down the line, unless you found out that there were extraordinary reasons why they had not located you and the lost dog before. In that case it would be your choice what to do, but they would have to reimburse you for any expenses incurred, if you did decide to give him back ( shots, neutering, worming, food, whatever reasonable expense you've had).

One gets attached very quickly and there is a difference when you are looking for his owner and know he may be going home, and when you've made the emotional commitment in a more permanent way, so it helps to have a date by which time you can make that distinction.

Actually where we live, there aren't many regulations. Just kind of common courtesy and respect. We don't have any shelters in our county and there are a lot of strays and dogs that just run loose. I'm just glad he didn't get hit by a car or shot by a farmer that didn't want him chasing his cows!

We are also in a rural area with no leash laws and people  can shoot ( and do ) loose dogs if they bother livestock or chase horses. The fact that there are no Shelters, or Humane Society, does not mean there are no laws in your County regarding ownership of dogs.  The safe thing is to find out by making a phone call to the County.  I've rescued a lot of dogs and can tell you that it's a joy to reunite a dog with a loving, caring owner, and it's a real heartbreak if you get attached to a dog and someone later claims him that you don't think provides the right care for a dog you now very much love.  This is the reason for my suggestion.

Anna's right, you don't want any legal snafus. And he may have came from outside of your county! Who knows how it is wherever he came from.

Thanks, I will look into it and see if I can find anything out.

Just an update--took Brodie to the vet today and had him scanned--no chip. So we had him heartworm tested (neg) and got him vaccinated. I did check into laws and there are no regulations in our county or state regarding lost pets.

Sounds like you have yourself a great dog and he has a great new "Mom".  Congratulations to both!

It's disheartening that his owner hasn't put out ads and fliers at the vet office in search of their dog. What you're doing is amazing though, and honestly, if Brodie ends up getting a neat new home after this is all said and done, good for him. :)

I'm curious how you decided to name him Brodie? Did you try different ones to see what he liked? If I lost my dog and was frantically looking for him, and there are no shelters to go to, it may take me longer than a few days to find your notices, especially if I were the kind of person who often lives in rual areas and says 'he'll come back when he's ready".  My mom lives in Missouri and she found a "lost puppy", but because it was very young and a mixed breed she only asked the immediate neighbors and then assumed that it was dumped by a puppy mill. No one ever tried to claim it.  How hard for you to be so in love with him and worry about the owners showing up. Watch him close, sometimes escape artists end up with a series of homes!

When we were looking for a Corgi puppy last year, we made up a list of names not knowing if we would get a boy or girl. We ended up with a girl and named her Kadi. Brodie is what we had planned on if we got a boy, so when he showed up I just started calling him that and within 10 minutes he was answering to it! LOL

It is disheartening, but when I was at the vet today they told me they have a Westie and 2 Shih tzus in there right now they are trying to place because they were brought in as strays and they are healthy sweet dogs, so they want to help them out. I think the economy is really hurting people and unfortunately pets are paying the price. Something else sad they told me is that of all the strays they have seen, only two have been chipped and those two weren't registered, so it didn't help one bit! Can you imagine chipping and not filing the paperwork?

Saw his photo and wow, he is a cutie!!!! 

Oh what a handsome guy:) I'm glad he wandered to your home:)


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