I was just wondering what everyone uses for a bed for their Corgis.  Mine sleeps all over the place but seems to prefer my shepherd's huge bed (foam).  However, she has made a hole in the fabric and I caught her nipping out chunks of foam.  I also caught her nipping bits out of my son's memory foam pillow when my head was turned.  I think she ate the chunks because I couldn't find them! 

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For bed chewers, there's product called the Kong Bed.  Heard it was pretty good.  ^-^ 

 Marty isn't a bed chewer (yet).  We really worked hard with him from day one that the bed was not something he was allowed to chew on -- so luckily for us, we don't have that problem...and I hope it stays that way (he's getting his adult teeth now, so we'll see if he starts trying to do it again :P).

Some people also suggest using pet bed with a thick, fleece cover too.  For Marty we use rounded bed, with sides -- since he's prone to rolling off pillow beds.

Hope you'll be able to find a new, cozy bed for her.  I'm sure it'll make her and especially your shepherd, happy! :]


Thank you for the link!  I appreciate that.  Yes, my shepherd will appreciate having his bed back, that's for sure.  :)  He has been VERY generous with all his stuff....bed, toys, his humans, lol.  He's a good boy. 

Yes they love beds and the doberman loves the smaller corgi beds. Unfortunately the dobe has been known to eat them and has had very expensive surgery so be careful. By having the bed where I can watch she has learned not to chew it but I can not let her use it when I am not watching. Tell her No and remove the bed for a little while if she persists. I can not have the fuzzy ones but the smooth fabric beds seem not to trigger her chewing as much.

LOL.   That is soooo funny!  Cute picture.  Both of them look very content.  Thank you for your reply and for the pictures of the beds. 

we have a bed similar like that and both Lance and Tucker LOVE It!!  Over the years, we have had lots of different beds. 

Hi Cindy, wait until your corgi is 2 to invest in a nice bed. My wife goes to fabric store and purchase faux fur to make pillow case, here's the end product, it's washable and you can use any pillow you desire.

We also have an oz sheep skin rug, it fullfills my corgis dream to be a herding dog.

Thanks for the ideas.  Sure looks like they enjoy them thoroughly!

I totally agree with Sam after six years of buying beds, pillows make great beds!!!  I love how Silvia made the faux fur pillows, awesome!!  I just use pillow cases, and its nice cause you can coordinate for the holidays as well.  If I was talented and could sew I would make the faux fur ones!!

Although when we rescued Tucker almost a year ago, I bought him a bed, lol.  Tucker and Lance love the bed.  I have also found out Tucker loves laying on soft blankets wherever they are!!!  They both lay on whatever. 

That would be very easy to keep clean.  I have a couple of King Size pillows that have seen better days.  Maybe I'll try my luck and cover them in fleece and see how that goes.  When she's not laying in my shepherd's bed...., she seems to be content just on the carpeted floor. 

the nice thing about pillows as well, is you can put a pillow protector (vinyl kind) over it as well as a pillow case,  and it really is easy to keep clean. 

side note: the vinyl cover is a good idea as long as you don't have a puppy in the chewing phase!!!

Costco sells nice big comfy beds for $17. Franklin loved those beds. Petsmart usually has some pretty comfy beds for about $20, when they are having sales. I'd stick to the cheapie beds until you know if she will use the bed at all. Franklin generally doesn't use any of the beds I bought for him except a towel in his crate. Big Lots also sells big pillow type beds for about $10


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