Okay, for all you Corgi owners out there, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about when I say that my bed is almost as FURRY as my dog is. Though I love my bed, I love having my Charlie on there with me sleeping at night (seriously, how do you say no to that cute little face?!) but unfortunately, when I wake up my first thought is "It's time to vacuum...THE BED"

My question is, are there sheets or bedding of a specific type of fabric I should look for that might ease my pain here? My sheets are plain ol' cotton right now, but is there anything that might repel the fur a TEENY bit?

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I find that flannel is even worse...the only thing that sometimes...works for me is I have a king size sheet that I throw over the whole bed and then I throw it in the dryer(even on air) to dehair it everyday!!!
I've been considering this thought for pooka when we go to other people's houses.... put him in light pajamas? keep the fur contained!

Our sheets work real well, they're sort of a satin/cotton blend, it seems.
I did a search on fabric that repels pet hair and I got Microvelvet fabric:

The site says "Dog hair will not stick to the removable, machine washable microvelvet fabric. This remarkable fabric actually repels pet hair, dirt and moisture. In fact, most of our customers simply vacuum or shake-off pet hair."

So maybe velvet bed sheets will work the same way?

I also have satin sheets and I believe its easier to wipe the hair away than our previous sheets, which were egyptian cotton.
We also use a coverlet on the bed that is easy to toss in the washer. The doggies don't get under the covers, thank goodness!
ummm yep, dog hair in our oasis too. We limit them to sleeping with us only on the weekends and I have an old ratty comforter(I actually like the old one better) I use then. It is more like a quilt and I think it seems to work pretty well with the hair issue. I can shake it out every so often and switch to the better comforter when they are not hogging the middle of our bed. They also know it is a special event to sleep with us, but I understand how addicting it is to have them right there and I have a hard time some Mondays with Corgi withdrawal. LOL!!!! Did you know they found Corgi hair on the Queen's bedsheets???? hope it makes yu feel better!!!!!
I have resigned myself to have light colored linen. And wash it every weekend. But... it is so nice feeling their warm bodies cuddling, and see those happy faces in the morning. Not mention all the different new and almost yoga like positions that I have to adopt while sleeping.
I am with Jane....We have a queen size bed and will throw a king size sheet over the comforter....and I also acually vacuum the comforter with the vacuum cleaner.....GET A FURMINATOR they are awesome!
oh man we have a furminator. i use it on charlie all the time and I just end up getting covered in her fur! i also take her in once a month to be groomed and i get the furminator package with all the bells n whistles. she comes back from the groomers still shedding! ugh! i'm compelled just to shave her lol.

i think i'm gonna end up wrapping her in plastic before she climbs into bed with me!
All solutions to dog fur removal are worse than the problem. It's like decaf coffee, light beer, or diet ice cream. WHY?
Just vacuum and change the bedsheets every three months, whether they need it or not.
If you live in a cold, wet climate, like I do, you'll likely have lots of outdoor clothing made of wool and synthetics like spandex lycra running tights and polypropylene shirts -- warm, water-repellent, and absolute fur magnets -- just wear this when you loll about on the bed or floor, and 75% of the fur will stick to you. Voila! Problem solved. And the dog will think you're finally starting to dress sensibly.
I broke down and just ordered a furminator!!! I hope it helps! What size furminator do you use? I ordered a medium...
Ever since we've had animals. Even as a kid,they've slept on the bed or at least laid on it for part of the night..Always got just plain top sheet a size bigger and washed it our at least changed it once a week.
I've seen pet friendly bedding at ORVIS...it might just be a comforter, but its worth looking into!


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