Can anyone give any suggestions to get my Foxy to stop "crying wolf" to go outside? I take her out & she does her business but then comes inside & sits at the door & barks to go back out. I hate to not take her out but frankly she's driving me crazy lol.

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Since she is very young I would guess that she needs more excersize. Try taking her for a couple nice (30 min) walks a day. Also, training sessions and fetch are great indoor ways to give her more stimulation.

Bev, I think you might be right.  We do play fetch at lunch every day but I do think she needs a brisk walk at night.  Thanks

Akbar,  We do have a dedicated door for "business" and I was rewarding her for going potty but I have to admit I have eased up on this.  I think I need to reinstitute that.  I will also try the crate routine when we come in also.  Thank you for the suggestions. 


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