Okay, we have had Molly for a month now and we are not getting anywhere on housebreaking; we take a step and go back a mile. We started with the puppy pads and they were not working at all she would chew them up and pee on the spot next to them. Now we are trying to do crate training but the problem now is that I will take her outside and wait and wait I have even stood outside for 30 minutes and nothing then as soon as we get back inside she will pee right on the carpet..then she will sneak off a poop behind the couch. We tell her no when we catch her and take her outside but she won't do anything. Please anybody tell me what I am doing wrong? I'm getting really frustrated because Rascal was not this hard and I do not know what to do now. So please help?!

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Hi Erica,


Forget about the puppy pads, they only slow down the training process. Read this and the FAQ. Good luck!

Try walking her to convince her to potty outside.


My female will always pee if she sees/smells my male peeing.  Can you use your other dog to model the desired behavior?


Bear in mind some dogs don't like to pee in their yard if that is where they play.  If you have a nearby grassy area that's not a neighbor's yard, you might try taking her there too.

I wouldn't use the potty pads either. She has too much freedom in my opinion - she should not be able to sneak off to potty without you noticing. Leash her to your belt loop or keep her in a confined area where you can watch her at all times. If you're busy, put her in her crate or an xpen. If you take her outside and you know she should have to potty but she refuses, bring her back inside and put her in her crate for 20 minutes. Then try again. Repeat.

Thank you all so much for the advice; I will try it out and repost and let you know how it's going.
We are having the EXACT sane problem, to a T! I can't believe it! We have pads, we are trying crate training, she will NOT poop while we are watching (when we take her out, etc).
Crate training is helping us a little bit in that she is no longer afraid of her crate and when we take her to her pad, she will use it. She has ONCE gone to use the pad on her own. Otherwise, we take her outside or to her pad and she goes maybe 60% of the time.
Let mem know if you've come across anything that seems to work!
We also only give her about 5 to 10 minutes to potty. If she doesn't she goes back in her crate. When she potties, she gets to come out and play. Since she is so smart, she has now learned to squeeze out just enough pee to satisfy us and then will romp around the house and pee again on the carpet. It's crazy. :P
Good luck to you, and keep me posted!

I've been in your shoes and have helped many in the same sisuation.

Take the dog out, wait 10 min and if nothing happens return to the house and crate, wait 5 min and try again.

Throw a party when something does happen, jackpot treats...reward, praise and the whole works. Just remember to get the behavior as its happening, not after.

Get a good enzime cleaner and rent steam cleaner for carpets. Remember dogs have the ability to smell 100 times better then we can. That mark you would sware cleaned up and soaked down..ect. Can be easily found by your dog.

Crate dog when not paying attention... Dogs are den dwelling animals and love a crate, if you feed them in a crate, they sleep in it then they will not mess in the crate, dogs like to keep their sleeping area clean.


" Why is this happening, scruffy was potty trained".... well at 6 months of age your dog is about the age of your typical hormonally driven teenager in adult terms. Besides the raging hormone level changes, the wonderment of " how far can I go" and dominance establishment this is about the time where boundries are pushed or broken. Yes your pup is prob. purfectly house broken, no she/he didn't just magically forget it. These are the years when its push as far as I can get away with, and they will remember how far they got. Easy solution is to stand tall and kindly establish rules that are set in stone. "Potty time" is no longer the run around in the yard and play till you go, change your scope and you'll be amazed at how behaviors will change.

If you Corgi is toy driven or attention driven like mine, then you an use that as a reward as well. No potty, no get to play with the ball.

Ok, as for the attention while pottying, I know they say a retractable leash is bad, and it is in some cases. However in this case I reccomend you get one. It will allow your dog the freedom to wander. Also pay some attention to what drives your dog crazy..if its treats, toys or attention, use that as a motivator after he/she has done their business. Rewards go a long way in the establishing good behaviors.

Hope this helps, let me know if I can help out any more.

Don this was great advice for us! Olive really needs to have all distractions removed when it is time to potty, and that seems to help a lot!
Thank you everyone for your advice; Don did you say to feed her in the crate? Right now she is eating a little, running off, coming back to eat a couple bites, then running off, then the same thing over again. I don't know how to get her to sit and eat at once either. She loved the attention I gave her when she pooped outside and she acted like she was done so went inside and as soon as we walk in she peed in the floor! I am going to steam shampoo the carpets today..again. I am going to try to put her in the crate if she doesn't go and then try again in 5 minutes. The problem with the crate is she doesn't seem to care to potty in her crate she has enough room to turn around and lay down but if we are away for an hour we will come back and she has rolled around in her poop and pee. I took her out right before we left and she didn't do anything. I will let you know how it goes everyone! Wish me luck!

Well, as it sits right now her crate isn't a den to her.

Ok, its time to play " Lets out smart the Corgi"  so turn it in to a game, use high value treats for this one.

get her to go in to the crate and sit, start off with 2 seconds, and then treat.

do it again, this time up the time to 3 seconds, then treat..

so on and so forth until you get to 1 min. Use a key word as well when she is walking in. Mine is " Home"

eventually you should be able to say " Go home" and then jackpot the first time it works...

as for the remainder, no more treats outside the crate, no snacks, no bones, no food, anything of high value goes in the crate, also if she has a bed, that as well goes in there as well.

The idea behind this is take her current " Den" and move it to inside the crate. Also meal time is much like a kid, she doesn't come out until most of her meal is gone. Don't feel bad about doing this, it takes time to get over the kid equivilant of " I'll show her, I just won't eat my dinner"

Water also is provided in the crate, you can find something called a lick-it, think over sized hamster bottle for dogs. they aren't overly expensive and quite useful really.

Once the dog establishes crate with home then most will willingly spend time in it. Also an important note for those whom haven't crate trained your dog. Most states and shelters will not take your pet in event of a major disaster if they are not crate trained. Truthfully they run out of room. As one website said " There is always room for a dog that brings their own house"

Hope this helps, let me know how it goes.

Don, you are a lifesaver! haha It has only been one day but it has been a day-night difference already! Thank you so much! Chel I would definitely try out everything that they suggested on here. She didn't like the crate at first but once I put her bed in there she was happy to go in there she was taking a nap in there while I was cleaning (something I hadn't done before) since I couldn't watch her closely and she woke up and she barked differently than usual and I took her out and she went to her spot and peed! It was a miracle!! I praised her like it was the best thing in the world and then the second time she did it! So far so good! I will let you all know how it goes at the end of the week :) Again, thank you so so much! You made my life so much easier!


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