Wynstan threw up today, and when I was cleaning up I noticed that it was just his food and it was whole. Any ideas on how to get him to actually chew his food instead of inhaling it?

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My Emlyn chews every thing you give her thoroughly. Even if it is a tiny bite of pizza crust (very rarely does she get anything other than her kibble). Never have I seen a dog chew as much as her. Heck even the Chihuahuas I had with my ex didn't chew up food the way she does.
I had this problem too! I went to Petsmart looking for something called a "SloBowl" but they didn't have it. They recommended a rather heavy china ball (about the size of a tennis ball) that you place in the middle of the bowl. (They had it in stock). It takes the dog longer to nose it around and eat so they aren't scarfing their food whole. Or gulping their water if that is a problem for Wynstan. Ever since I introduced the ball, Madoc hasn't thrown up once (and before it was pretty much a weekly occurrence.) I'm sure he was irritated the first time he found it in his food, but now he totally accepts it being there. But no barfing in the last three months has been great!
Oh my gosh! Just a thought but aj talked about teething. has Wynstan always done this or is it because he can't chew because he has no teeth? If he's teething you can soften it with warm broth or water.
I don't think he is teething just yet, how can i be sure?

I will add water tonight to see if it helps any.
Did it help?
He drinks the water first, inhales the food, then licks the bowl. No vomiting yet, so I think it is for now.
You could leave the water sit on the food a little longer...I sometimes feel that it's so dry and then it has to use all their water in their system to break it down...sometimes something a little softer maybe feels good and not just a big clump of dry stuff in their tummy and then it starts to expand!!!!
Well, once in awhile you might find a tooth but you will have to check in his mouth by feeling and looking and if he has teeth missing or none...he is teething. This does make it difficult to chew...has he always done this with his food or is it new with him not chewing his food? His gums could hurt also! Soak the food for a few minutes and feel if it's soft.
he is only missing 2 teeth, but i will soak the food just in case.
the bowls are called brake-fast bowls, and I bought one for cooper because he did the same thing, It helped alot.
Zena threw up a couple of times not due to inhaling food too fast. But I noticed that much of food was still intact. It means that she did not really chew much. I can hear her chewing a few times while she was eating her meal. Once I decided to hand feed her by giving several kibbles at a time. It slowed down obviously because I controlled a pace but she did not chew any of those I gave her at all. So is it okay not to chew kibbles at all as long as a dog eats slowly? I hope that I am not hi-jacking the topic.
a great alternative is to feed them on a cookie sheet...it spreads the food out, and the pan sort of moves around, so it slows down their eating....I also put a little water in my dogs bowl, and that works too.


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