When I play frisbee with Henry he goes after it and then chews on the frisbee. So then I go over and get it from him and throw it again. Today, he was grouchy and he growled and snapped at my hand when I tried to get the frisbee from him. I immediately stopped playing and put him in a time out. Was that the right thing to do? I am getting little worried cause when he gets bored now he is more aggressive and destructive, and when I try to play with him I can tell he's definitely being cranky and snapping.

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A very good time to teach him the "drop it" command. His behavior is similar to who he would respond to another dog trying to take something from him. You need to teach him that this behavior is not acceptable. Many of these possessive behaviors are expressed as a dog is growing and learning what is acceptable and what is not. These are the ideal times for you to help him learn. My inclination would be to continue to play and "claim" the toy. If it is a frisbee I would probably step on it and with confidence give the "drop it" command. If he continues to hold the item I would give a more stern "drop it" and take the toy. As soon as he lets it go praise him and try again.
This is a very good time to consider finding a training facility and take an obedience class. It would be good for you to learn how to teach your dog many positive commands which will also help you a bit with his emerging behaviors. Most corgis do go through a time of challenge and it is up to us humans to redirect it.
thanks sam for your advice. I'll definitely give it a shot.
Obedience classes are a great suggestion. Also, I trained drop it by giving a treat (nice trade) and then immediately return the frisbee or ball etc. Do it several times in a row, gradually stop the treats but continue to return the toy. After a few days of training sessions my possesive corgi even returned the toys to my 1 year old grandson. He is very reliable now with drop it unless it is food!(then it is his) Oh well no body is perfect.....
That's what we did too -- the "get something better" game. My guys will "leave it" (i.e., don't touch something that's already out there) or "drop it" (drop something out of their mouths) immediately now, because they associate it with a tasty treat! They will even leave/drop bones and chewy things, amazingly enough. If the snack is small though, usually they've grabbed and chowed it down before my lips can even form the words "leave it".
Boy ,they can swallow fast when they have to can't they!
I wonder if the drop it commands works when a dog is being aggressive. LO drops the ball or frisbee because he knows I won't continue to play if I have to wrestle it out of his mouth. I am just curious to see if the situation demanded it that he would drop the item not related to play.


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