My puppy Goldie is VERY smart she learnt sit in under 2 mins! But I m having trouble making her focus and shake. At a time of the day i will go to the cupboard and get treats out.So i can teach her. But once she knows there is treats she wont focus! I lift up her paw and say "Shake" and she doesn't care! Sometimes she lies down! So i stopped the treats business and started patting!!! But she still hasn't learnt its been a week now! SOMEONE PLZ! Help?

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Our 4.5month puppy, Phoebe, has just learned to shake. Every time she sat for a treat we started patting and lifting her paw. At first, she was pulling away and didnt like her paw being touched. This happened for about a week or more, then she started leaving her paw where it was. We carried on lifting her paw every time she had a treat, and giving loads and loads of praise. Now she lifts her paw BEFORE we even ask for it. It took about 2 weeks of perseverance but it certainly paid off. I didnt think she was going to do it, because she really couldnt understand why we were grabbing her paw and she thought we wanted to play, but she got there in the end. So, my advice would be just to keep on doing the patting and lifting of the paw. Let me (and Phoebe) know when Goldie first gives you her paw and we will all celebrate.
If she is too distracted by the treats, what you want is either to use clicker training, or a marker word. A marker word is usually "good" or "yes" and it marks the behavior as correct and means the treat is coming.

What you do is tell her "good" for no reason and pop a treat in her mouth. Do this a few times: "Good= treat" for a couple days in a row, and when you say "good" and she gets all happy without the treat you know she knows what the word means.

Then you sit her down with no treats, and tell her "shake" as you pick up her paw and immediately say "good". Do this a few times in a row then march her off to the treat cupboard for her reward. And once she reaches a point where she starts to even lift one paw the tiniest bit without your lifting it for her (she may just shift her weight off that foot and look at you quizzically as if to say "Is this what you mean?), give her a huge praise party and give her extra-special treats, like a piece of cheese or something. Then you ask her to lift it higher each time by marking the partial paw-lift with your marker word and not giving the praise party til she lifts it up higher than the last time. Within a short time she should get the idea and plop the paw into your hand.

There are very few dogs out there, even the cuddlers, who see petting as a sufficient reward to learn new behavior. If one is like yours and finds the treats too exciting to concentrate, then a marker word comes in handy. It will also help you with more complex behaviors further down the road. I am having this same problem with teaching Maddie "down". She is so excited by the treat lure that she won't follow it and lie down, so I'll start over with the marker word.

Good luck!
We taught Finnigan to shake when he was 9 weeks old. The easiest way was to get him to sit, hold out one hand and say “shake” and with the other hand reach behind his paw and tickle it until he lifts his paw then you grab it with the hand you were holding out, say "good shake" and treat. If you look at the back of the front paws there is an area that has less fur and this is where you want to tickle. It’s way down near the base of the foot. Getting them to lift the paw on their own will teach them faster than if you lift the paw for them. It’s important that they do the movement otherwise they don’t understand what it is you are asking of them. Finn was doing it on command by the third or fourth try and there’s nothing cuter than a tiny puppy shaking. Now when he sees a treat he goes through the whole trick routine before we can even saw anything. He’ll run up, sit and offer a paw to shake, then if he still doesn’t get the treat he’ll lay down and roll over. He’s such a goof ball! Good luck!
How do y'all teach roll over. LO is like "stop it" when I roll him over, it seems quite difficult to teach this one.
We taught roll over by getting Finn to lay down then hold a treat in front of the nose and slowly move it around his head and over his back (keep it low at the dogs eye level so they don't try to get up from the down position). As you move it their head will follow and when they cannot turn their head any further they roll over. Don't move it too fast or they will just turn their head the opposite way. It may take a few tries but Finn got it pretty fast.
I thought shaking was innate behavior. Never had to teach it. Gwynn started shaking immediately after her first bath....
there are tips on how I did all the tricks, including shake, which took a month! Especially notice the trick my mom used of keeping the treat hidden in her hand until her pup pawed at it.
Use the treats.
If she's out of focus, just have her sit still (watch me command) and reward for that. Increase time that she has to sit still for longer.
It took me a few sessions of shake with Shiro to teach him. I just picked up his paw, said shake and gave him treats many many times. Don't be frustrated if she doesn't get it, just keep doing it. Eventually she'll lift her paw off the floor.
Thanks every1!!

Once at the dog park I saw a VERY well trained dog. After coming out of the river, his owner told him to wait, walked away, and said "shake!" I wish I had known enough to follow his lead and walk away, too, because I got a good shower from that one!

Now THAT is a trick worth teaching.

I try to get Finn to do that but that's a hard one to teach. I try to get him to shake while he's still in the tub but of course he always waits until he's in the living room so he get drench everything. :)
It took Kirby a while to get shake down. But what I did was hold the treat slighty to the left so he'll lean to his left and lift up his right paw. Then I'd grab his right paw and say "good shake." I kept on doing that for about a month and he eventually got it down. Now I just tell him shake and he'll lift up his paw.


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