I hope this isn't a terribly stupid question but is howling a learned behavior or an innate behavior? I noticed that Freya doesn't really howl like our Weimaraner does. She just does a bunch of short barks in lieu of a howl--on a very rare occasion it seems she really tries to howl and it often sounds like someone is hurting her as she almost always sound like she's in pain.

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Dax never howls. He just barks or does his little low wuffs. A GSD I had before would kind of howl but it was more like a bark/whine/drawn out bark type of "hey look at me!" kind of thing, more like she was just talking than actually barking or howling. I almost wish I could teach Dax to howl because I think it would be cute, but I'd hate for it to get out of hand, even though he's not really very vocal when we're not home anyway. I think it's different for every dog though, some just howl, some don't, some can be taught.
Al has the most endearing yowl, "A-Rooooooo" that he only uses to gain favorable attention, not often, not obnoxiously. He does it with the downward-dog play-invitation posture (front legs down, back legs up, head up). I'm sure it has been reinforced by our positive response to it.
Elwyn howls sometimes. We have this keyboard that can make animal noises and he will howl everytime we press the Horse sound, but no other animal noises do it for him. He also howls at the song Sister golden hair by America... he's strange.
Some dogs howl, most do not. Malamutes are notorious howlers, and scent hounds usually have a bay-like howl.

Jack has a wonderful "A-roooooo" that I call his Dying Beagle sound, that he only does when he knows he is getting a treat, I actually have my hands on the treat package, but I am just too darned slow in getting him that treat and he can hardly contain himself any more.
Ethel only has a nice girlie bark, but Bertie can sing, and his lips make the funniest little "O" like the kids on the old Peanuts Christmas cartoon. We often sing as we drive along -- with the windows down, me off key going luuuuu luuuuuu lu lu (usually the theme from Lassie is our song of choice), Bertie howling along, and Ethel with her barking percussion back beat, we make quite a scene as we cruise through my tiny town.
I had never heard Bear howl until Saturday night. I had set the alarm on my cell phone to remember to do something, the phone was downstairs and Bear and I were upstairs. I heard it go off, but didn't go down to turn it off. I figured I'd just turn it off when I went downstairs in a few minutes.

About 2 minutes later, I hear this hoooowwwwwlllling...he sounded like someone was beating him. When I got downstairs I found him sitting next to the kitchen table - the cell phone was in my purse on the table, and he was howling, high-pitched (scared) barking and he looked completely panicked.

My cell phone has a song as a ring tone, but for the alarm it was the regular Cingular tone, and evidently Bear did NOT like it.
Callie only howls when I am not around. I will hear her howling when I am getting into my car when I leave for school, but she never howls if she knows I am there or can still see me. The only other time I have heard her howl is when she was a small pup and was playing with a squeaky toy. I was in the basement so she couldn't see me but I could hear he squeaking and howling.
Oh yes, corgis can howl. It can also be a learned behavior. I have heard "my choir" singing more than once.
that's just a funny image--you should video your pups singing--that would be so awesome! I love watching dogs howl.

Our Weim will stop the second he realizes that someone is watching him. He gets very embarrassed by it--I think it is very cute.
Algy will howl when he thinks no one is looking or no one is around. He used to howl with the fire siren and would stop if you 'caught' him. He'd look at you as if to say "what? I'm not doing anything!" The only other time he has howled is when he thought we had left him at my brother's house alone (when we were visiting from out of state. It was a 'strange' place for him), but someone was there - and heard him howling.

Our corgi mix, Delilah used to howl with sirens all the time. She was loud and proud! It sounds like it just depends on the dog.


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