or Her??? I am talking about your groomer. All of mine go a long way for them to get groomed and my groomer has taught them how to behave better than I have. It is usually a eight hour day for them so they are happy to see me at the end of the day. One time they all were getting ready to leave and they lined up at the door to go to the bathroom. All of them went out and before I could get Coco into the Tahoe, she went back inside and gave Amy the groomer a big kiss. I wish I had my camera for that one.

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Mine have never been to a groomer!

I have a pretty good relationship with my groomer (me). I take good care of her but give her way too much sugar!  LOl

After thinking about it I may not have taken them to a groomer but because I have an Eskie and a Cocker everyone goes just for the social aspect of it. I think I may of read that all corgis need is a good brushing and not so much of a grooming.

Frank has never seen a groomer, and honestly he's never really had a good brushing! Lol. I got SOOOOO lucky with him! Classic dirt repelling coat but not so classic low shed! I think I've earned a low shedder after my last 2 dogs though, you could make about 15 corgis with one brushing of my big shepherd mix! :-)

My Springer spaniel goes to the groomer regularly, but not my corgi. I am curious about what a groomer does with a corgi. Do they strip the undercoat, or just wash and brush and trim the nails?

As for our relationship, we've been seeing her for about 20 years. She always said my last Springer was SUCH a good dog! (He really was.) Many people around here go to the same groomer. One woman always felt great shame that this groomer did not report that her dog was a good dog. No one else ever got a bad report from this groomer. It was SO embarrassing :) It's almost like having a celebrity hairdresser.


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