Well I had been recently thinking and saying how well Kirby was doing lately....turns out I jinxed myself. Today Kirby got out and ate my work shoes. I had him out to play and have fun before I left to tire him out but somehow he broke out of the pen that he has been fine in for a few weeks now. I locked him up again later when I went out to dinner and re-inforced the area he got out from and he broke out yet again. I am at my wits end and I think I am going to talk to the vet about medication. I'm just done dealing with his anxious behavior CONSTANTLY and now with him escaping the super re-inforced ex-pen I am just DONE. I am probably going to start to sedate him and lock him in a crate from now until I move. I am crossing my fingers that I will be in the new place by early July. I just can't deal with this anymore. Kirby is more of a hassle and source of frustration for me than a good companion.  I've been keeping him on leash most of the time when out, and his remote collar broke a few days ago so I had to send it back so now I don't have that either. I'm thinking  he will be a good candidate for an anti-anxiety medication though and maybe that will help. I've continued to give his calming treats and they don't seem to be doing anything anymore. *sigh*

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We put down a cheap piece of vinyl flooring under our pen, on the advice of a breeder.   I've known of lots of young dogs who will chew that way.   I friend had her adolescent collie eat a huge whole in her vinyl floor while she was upstairs for a few minutes paying bills.  Jack ate part of a windowsill.  And Jack did try to eat the edges of the piece of vinyl we used (he was on hard floor anyway, but we wanted to protect it).

Jack also shredded any type of bedding we gave him til he was 2 years old.  It seems dogs have a naturally strong bedding instinct (tear things into pieces to make a soft nest) and it's only by making that impossible that you squelch the instinct.  Certainly they don't all do it, but it's also quite common.

Its just so weird he's been fine for the last 3 months on the carpet and now has decided he needed to eat the carpet. He used to have an area rug under the pen but was able to get at the edges of it and ate the whole thing. He also has a bed in the pen that he destroys bits of everyday and I added more toys and treats after he kept breaking out hoping it would provide some distraction. I'm just going to have to keep him in the crate now. I know a plastic crate isn't the best surface for a dog with possible hip dysplasia but clearly he can't have anything else.

Oh Melissa i have been reading all your post as well and all i can think of is Poor Kirby. He reminds me so much of Carly who has given me fits for two yrs. now.. Im so grateful i can put her in a crate when ive had enough and need a break.. or Frankie needs one, and  i can or trust her in the house with all the bedrm doors shut. We call her  a dumpster diver, we never leave a garbage can out, she finds it and eats the contents.. I do have to put gates up separating the two of them if we leave them at home :(   she has been and continues to scare the crap out of me!  .Even to the point of attacking Frankie.. but we have fixed that problem too.. they eat in separate places.. other wise she runs after him in full attack mode.. and he whines and runs where ever he can hide.. She growls at him if he comes into her space while im giving  her attention. so i have to always be on the look out for her attitude.. its a lot of work having these high strung dogs.. The girl never stops , like you were saying about Kirby, if i take them in the car she is all over the place like a ping pong ball..Yes i exercise her, shes still anxious. I did have her on a generic Prozac , for 2months then took her off , because i wasnt sure if it was doing anything , until a few days ago my husband said she was better lets keep her on it.  Now lately she has been acting very weird. Getting in our way, in my face trying to tell me something. I have to move her out of my way constancy.. Shes very needy and clingy. So were guessing its the anxiety getting bad, i dont know?

I love that girl we are bonded and its still hard as heck, to understand her and have fun with her. I cant imagine what someone else would do to her, so i keep on doing what i know to do. But thats not saying you have to do the same.

MY heart goes out to you and to Kirby Melissa. I hope you find a solution you can live with soon..

I don't think I could last 2 years with Kirby's current antics! I am hoping a combination of some type of anxiety medication and the new house with more room will help with his behavior. I'm hesitant now wthough to even use an ex-pen with him in the new house for fear he wil eat that carpet too. I sort of kind of patched up the carpet with some carpeting from my cat tree, it would be an almost perfect match if it was just a bit darker. I'll have to figure out how to make it dirtier in the next month lol.

Last night and today he has been very mellow. I think he could sense the steam pouring out my ears from anger at him. He had also chewed up 2 pairs of my work shoes in the last 3 days, once breaking out of the crate and once at night where he has (up until last night) been allowed to be free in the house because he was always good when I was home, so when I saw the huge hole in the carpet I was SOOOOOOO UPSET. I came in the house and he immediately ran outside so I knew something was wrong then I saw the carpet. He didn't come back inside for a long time so he must have known he did a very bad thing. After he has been bad he will hide outside and then there is peace for the next day or so because its like he is waiting for me to explode. I haven't yet but its clear somebody in his past has. My family says re-home him but the thing is I want 2 dogs so I want to try to stick this out because if I re-home him then I will just be getting another dog and who's to say that dog isn't going to be a crazy terror as well. So I may as well see where this goes and see if I can't get him to settle down a bit. If he truly is a dog that can't be left alone EVER then I'll have to re-home him because that just isn't practical in my house with my lifestyle.

It's hard to figure out what goes through their heads sometimes. We gave Kadi a pretty little red cushion bed for Christmas and she LOVED that thing. Drug it around and fixed it just the way she wanted it. Moped when I took it away to wash it, then got all excited when I would bring it back. Then suddenly, last week, she decided to destroy it. Tore it to shreds and I had to take it away. I've tried two other things since then and she won't leave any of them be for five minutes. So, now she's sleeping on a bare crate floor, or the linoleum. I hate that, but have no choice. It's like she's teething again! I hope she grows out of it, but I don't know. Kipper never did. He can't even have a crate because he EATS them!

Wow, How frustrating for you!  It makes me appreciate Poodeck's maturity, even though he backslides occasionally.  Just when I think he listens to commands the next day he runs off with something (?!) in his mouth and hides until he swallows God knows what!  We were lucky enough to have an extra bedroom, so that was our "puppy prison" during the day.  Of course that was until he learned how to open the door!   I do believe you two were brought together for a reason.  Sorry to keep repeating this, but that if it weren't for you Kirby might be passed from one broken home to the next.  Hang in there we are all pulling for you!!


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