Howdy folks, I figured I would ask here for help among the experts.

My 8-month old cardigan, Jackson, is a very good boy - most of the time. He does very well in his crate and seems fairly happy in there. He goes in when I leave for work about 8 a.m., comes out when I am home for lunch, stays in the crate during the afternoon, then comes out when I get home at 5:00.

In the evening we usually have at least one good long walk, and some play time and trick learning. He is taking the puppy class at Pet Smart and doing very well.

And the problem ... he goes in the crate in the evening anywhere from 10-11:00 ... after a last walk to do whatever business needs doing (he is always very quick to potty and has had very few problems with it). Some nights he will be quiet until 6 a.m., but he is developing a very annoying tendancy to wake at 3, or 4:30, or 5 ... and even 2:30 this morning ... and start whining, yipping and a little barking.

I live in an apartment that has good solid thick walls, but just letting him "bark it out" is not a good option for me. One person suggested that I go in an give him a good "shush" ... and if he doesn't shush ... give him a squirt with a water bottle. Haven't gotten the bottle yet. My solution this morning was to "shush" him, and when that didn't work I just laid on the couch in the room and he settled right down and didn't do anything until he finally got back up about 5:30.

But this 3 or 4 a.m. business needs to come to a stop. Daddy gets grumpy that time of morning!

So ... I am looking for suggestions on what to do about this. I am worried that he might be getting just a little to obsesive with me. When I leave the room to fetch or do anything, he usually sits near the gate watching for me to come back. I am not really as worried about that as I am the early rising part.

5:30 or 6:00 would be fine ... 6:30 would be great. But 3 a.m. is getting old really quick!

Sleepless on the coast :)

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We have the same problem with our corgi. She is 11 weeks old. We get up and take her out and she usually needs to potty. We bring her right back in and put her in her cage and she goes back to sleep. Maybe he just needs to relieve himself?
I don't crate our Ella, and she sleeps on her blanket in our bedroom. However when we first got her, we blocked her off in the kitchen when we were at work (with a potty pad, just in case). This way she could run around the kitchen during the day, get to her food and water, and sleep under the table. I've seen people use baby fences inside, which seem to work. Now that she is a year old, we just keep the bedroom and bathroom doors closed when we are at work. This gives her the living room, kitchen/dining room, and hallway to play in. She also has lots of chew toys to keep her busy and I've learned not to keep anything in the floor anymore.
Hope this helps.
This is what we did with Loki, he has had free reign since 5 months, we also close those doors and my office (due to guitars on stands, he never goes near them but can;t be too safe with pro quality instruments, repairs/replacement heartaches/pocketaches are too great.
Zoe got to sleep on the bed when she was about 8 months old. Ziggy is now 15 weeks old and sleeps in his crate right next to the bed. He has been going to bed around 10:30 and gets up with me around 5:30 am. I am so blessed as he has been sleeping all night long since we brought him home at 9 weeks old. Zoe did not do as well as a young pup and I had her crate in a different bedroom. I vote for next to your bed. It's worth the sleep. Just don't trip over it in the middle of the night. :)
I guess I should probably post a follow-up on Jackson's sleep behavior.

It was only a period of a week or two when he would wake up at 3 or 4 a.m. One of the problems with this, for me, was I felt that meant he needed to go out to potty. That wasn't really the case. I guess he just wanted to see his pack leader or something.

Anyway, after a couple of weeks he settled in to a routine where he usually sleeps until 5:30 or 6 now. Most mornings we go out for a walk about 6, and walk for about an hour.

Anyway, thanks for all the posts. Sleep is good!
Good to hear he is letting you sleep a little later! My first obedience instructor pointed out that Sparty was training me very well! That was my "Aha" moment.


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