So, it looks we are adding to our furry family. However, it isn't another corgi. When we decided to add a dog to our family we decided we'd like to have 2 dogs. We both picked breeds and I sent out feelers. Well, I sent out tons of applications and emails to breeders. We were on a few wait lists. When we got Ein we were so busy with raising a new puppy we stopped looking for the other. Well, our name finally hit with a breeder, we were next in line and the pup met our criteria. So, we'll be getting our very first Alaskan Klee Kai in a few days!

So, what tips would you give me when it comes to acclimating both dogs? From research I know that AKK's do have a tendency to be very timid (as most small dogs can be), but very fearless. We also will be getting an x-pen for the new puppy so that she has a place to go that is her own. Any other tips and tricks to give me? It's been a long time since I've had 2 dogs. We're so excited! I hope those in the corgi community can also embrace our new furbaby as I'm sure Ein will! Thanks so much! Pics when we schedule a date for pick up!

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I have a lot of experience with Northern Breeds and a little bit of personal experience with Klee Kai breed and breeders. There are a lot of genetically shy Klee Kais and the breeders I talked with (at a time when I needed to learn more about that specific breed for training purposes) seemed to think that shyness was a normal trait and even desirable! One breeder told me she actually LIKED that her dogs were shy because, being small, they could be easily stolen out of her yard, but if they were shy, they would not approach a stranger and get stolen! If you get a genetically shy pup, unless you don't care about that aspect of the dog's temperament and personality, it will be like pulling teeth to turn it around, assuming that you can, which is not a given..... Since you asked for tips, my tip would be to look for the most care free, outgoing pup you can get and make that a priority over all other requirements.

I don't mean to rain on your parade. The breeders I talked to may not be the norm, but your mention that they tend to be very timid prompted me to respond to your post.

Yes, I do understand that they do tend to be shy. The breeder said the one that she thinks is right for us is very calm, but very loving. Which is a huge plus. I do know that an extreme amount of socializing will need to go into this dog/breed. I'm prepared for this and am willing to put in the work. Thank you so much for your insight!

I'm sure it's personal preference, but I would prefer a less dominant, even timid dog I can build up, than a dominant one that might be more prone to bossiness, but I may feel different if I were still raising my family. It was much easier to build confidence in my dog than I thought it would be, taking weeks rather than months, though she still has her moments. Today I went to pick her up to brush her opposite side and she cried as if her leg was broken. At least she stopped as soon as I gave her my annoyed "stop." I would think a shy dog would be eager to please once trust is built, and it would cooperate with other pets, but I know nothing about the breed. Never heard of it actually. I'd like to Google it to see what it is.


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