Little Joey is 11 y/o (and you may have read earlier about his "erythema multiforme").  He's on a regular Rx of methylprednisone to keep the autoimmune condition in check.  Therefore (I guess) his metabolism is cranked up a bit and he is hungry and thirsty.  OK, so far, nothing too odd.

Recently Joey has decided he will NOT come sister suggested I get him a doghouse so to try it out I used a airline crate with a thick rug inside.  When I adopted Joey 3 yrs ago he had been kept outside 24/7 so I know he's acclimated.  Here in Colorado we get some chilly nights but Joey just crawls in the carrier and REFUSES to budge...I have to bring the Sheltie out to pee and bribe them with the promise of a cookie to get Joey in......I'm pretty sure he'd stay out there all night if I let him.  Of course I won't....many foxes, raccoons, skunks, cats and an occasional coyote hang in our neighhborhood.

As you may have read in my much earlier comments, Joey has always been aloof and distant (maybe "watchful and on guard" are more kind observations?).  It seems this SELF-ISOLATION and preference for FREEZING temperatures is increasing......wowee.....any theories???


Lil' Joey's Dad

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Goldy will lay in the snow forever.  She will come in if she thinks she's missing something - all I have to do is play with Bear and get him riled up and she comes racing in the dog door.  She does sleep inside though - I'm like you, I would drag him in rather than let him stay out in the cold.

My Aunt lives on a farm in Nebr. and her dog is out 24\365 she puts straw in her dog house and has a water bowl that has a heater.  Like you said he was out all the time before maybe that is just what he is use to now.  I live in Arizona and now that it is cooler mine wants to be out side all the time too.  She just lays out there I think they just like the nature.  But I cant let her be out there I live in the middle of the desert and I know something would get her if i left her out alone,  I have no fences.

Brody would do that too, especially in the summer, We have a fenced in backyard and they each have a dog house.  So, one night when he was being stubborn hubby said "fine, stay out there tonight" I was already sleeping, so didn't know about this decision.  Of course he wasn't the one who had to get up at 2am when Brody was barking to come back in and go in his kennel to sleep.  But like Joey, he isn't the one snuggling with us on the sofa, often when we are down in the family room, he will be upstairs laying by the front or back door.  I do think for him it's guarding, waiting to alert us if someone comes, etc.

My three corgis must be dragged into the house out of the snow.  They are content to snowplow for hours, bunny hop, roll and curl up.  That double coat makes all this snow frenzy possible - remember they are from the Spitzhund group.  If it is a matter of safety and security, by all means get them inside when necessary.  Aside from that, these are farm dogs and are heartier than we imagine.  All the best from Nancy and your southern corgi cousins:  Bear, Tasha and Linus (from the Northeast, actually).   


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