My Cardigan, Sebastian, has been having periods where he can hardly walk.  He just kind of drags himself around.  He doesn't act like he is in pain, just can't walk. It usually is self limiting to a few days.  If I give him a Rimadyl he gets over it quickly. This will happen every six weeks or so. Between times he is normal. The only strange thing is he likes to lie down when he eats with his head in the bowl, but that might be just laziness ? Anyway, I took him to the vet and they hadn't a clue. X-rays showed some degeneration in the cervical spine but that's it.  Any ideas what this might be?

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How old is Sebastian?

Also how much does he weight?

I think he weighs about 40 pounds. Feels like 100 when he is on my lap and puts all his weight on one leg!

Sebastian is four years old.

IVDD maybe?  I think it's very hard to say over the internet, I'd get a second opinion from a specialist.

What is IVDD?  I was going to take him down to Washington State School of Veterinary Medicine but didn't at the last minute.  I guess they are probably the closest to specialists there are around here. The warm weather seems to help.

Intervertebral Disk Disease


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