Well after a couple of days of making Ziggy look at us when Skittles was in the room, and kicking him off the bed if he showed any aggressive signs, here are the results:

Of course, we still watch them closely, but it's really great to see this, because it's been a long time that Ziggy has let Skiski near him on the bed, and today they spent all day on again, off again cuddling on the bed.

We had a problem, but there is good news too.

Let me start off by saying: our apartments are very large, and our particular building is closed off, wrapped around by other buildings and a fence, so this is mostly safe (there is always a risk if you ask me.) When we go for our final potty break at night (anywhere between 1-3AM, depending on when I can get to sleep,) I don't put Ziggy's leash on. I take it with me just in case I wind up needing it, but I don't clip it on his harness. (I want him to know that I trust him, but as I am just a worry wart about leashes and dogs running off, especially since Ziggy is still a new addition to our family and he may or may not run at least once, night time is the ONLY time.)

Problem: Taking Ziggy out for our last potty break of the night and so I let him out and he starts out normal, sauntering down the stairs, then.. "Oh, hey.. What's that? Oh it's a strange cat, hmm." and then the kitty spies Ziggy. Of course, as soon as I saw the cat I tried to get Ziggles, but it as we were going down the stairs, it was just too awkward for me to catch him. Well, Mr. Kitty spies Ziggy and bolts off. Ziggy? "OMFREAKINGG! I HAVE TO GET IT!" and went after the cat like lightening, I didn't think it would be possible for HIM (other Corgis, maybe, even though they have those stumpy little legs <3 xD but not my Ziggy,) to move that quickly, before I even managed to get on level ground, he was out of my sight, I shreiked like a banshee, "ZIGGY! YOU STAY RIGHT THERE!!!!!!!"

Good news:

I didn't expect him to stop, my screaming like that was simply because I was terrified. I ran around the corner, and there was Ziggy, shaking with anticipation, staring back at me then after the kitty, back to me, kitty, me, etc, whining like I had just ruined his life. I gave him a "Good boy!" (I didn't know what to do because I wanted to let him know that it was good that he stopped, but I also wanted him to know it wasn't okay to chase the cat, which he probably couldn't get, so Idecided praise for stopping was best. Took him across the parking lot to go potty and then took him back upstairs.

Yay for Ziggy! Fingers crossed he keeps doing so well:D

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Awesome. Well done!

Yes he is such a good boy!:) He proved to me that I wasn't wrong to place my trust in him:)

I am still not going to take him anywhere without a leash on other than just our complex at night, but from now on, I am going to scout for kitties before letting him out just to be extra careful.

I want him to trust me and me to trust him, but I'm going to be taking it slowly, one day maybe I'll be brave enough to let him off leash in a field or park away from our home, but not any time soon haha.

Praise was definitely the best response. That is great he listened! Good job!

I'm glad, I wasn't sure but I did figure that scolding him when he stopped, as I asked, would probably just confuse him and next time he wouldn't want to stop.

I am very proud of him, and will continue to let him outside in our apartment complex at night off leash:) He enjoys it too, I don't have to stand so close to him when he potties (he always poops best then, while I am not hovering over him, otherwise it takes him a while to go, I think it makes him nervous lol.)

I'm going to try to be more careful now, as I said, scout for kitties and probably not let him off leash until we are down the stairs, so if he does decide to start booking it, it will be on flat land where I will have an advantage. (It takes him a minute to build up some real speed.)

Maybe I'm a worrier but please clip the leash on...he's such a beautiful little dog.

I am a very nervous person, if I believed that I couldn't trust him, I would stop now, I promise.

I spoke with Katie, the girl I got him from and she said that he has always managed well off leash, passed by word of mouth from Ziggy's first owner, to the next to Katie and to me.

I don't take him out during day hours off leash because of the traffic-which also scares him,-it is dead silent in our neighborhood after midnight and even if he did get a wild hare, I make sure to posistion myself between him and the only direction he could go to get to a street. (It's about a double driveway wide, but I walk with my legs directly to the side of his face, the direction the exit is in.)

You have done very well with your situation.  I can offer an Arab saying " Trust in Allah and tether your camel."  I recommend a Large dog Flexi-Lead.  It will give Ziggy a 16 ft. range, and keep him safe 100%.

I would not mind having a leash like that, but for day time uses at say, a park away from home where if he did get a wild hair and try to run off (can't really block all exits at a park) that I could stop him. I firmly believe that from now on (as mentioned above, with scouting for kitties, then making sure he isn't unclipped until we are on flat ground, where I am quicker than he if he doesn't have a head start, which he won't because I'll be blocking the exit way, and keeping him distracted at me) that it will be okay:)

He proved to me that my trust wasn't misplaced and I will continue to give it to him. I won't be stupid about it, but there are a ton of people who walk their dogs off leash, and this is something I've always wanted to work for, and I need to start somewhere!:)

Put a leash on him. He doesn't understand that you want him to think you trust him. Dogs do not think that way. Besides, him getting loose at night would be terrible, trying to find him in the dark, running in front of a car in the dark, the horrible possibilities are endless. Glad he stopped but don't count on it!! Remember, he's a dog. They act first and they don't think about the possibilities of their actions. It's like having a furry child who was an early walker. They have to be protected from themselves!

Dogs do trust, if your dog trusts and respects you, they're going to stay with and follow you.

He won't be getting loose now, as I am going to be taking precautions to make sure there's no creatures he wants to chase, he won't be unclipped until we are on flat ground, I'll be making sure his focus stays on me, and I will be walking between him and the only way he could get to a road in the first place:)

I know that this can work out because I have seen many, many, many people walk their dogs without leashes:) In fact, there was even a post with a Youtube video on here where a man is riding his bike along and even when the dogs go to chase something, they ran right back to him and continued their journey, stopping when he stopped, going to either side of the road when he did, etc.

I do not believe that they necessarily need to be protected from themselves, if they are trained. And to train, you have to start somewhere, which is what I am doing:) (In in fact the safest place around my neighborhood at the safest hour to do so, especially because as fast as he is, I'm faster on flat ground than he, and we have a good 150 feet from the only way he could get to a road, so even if he got around me by some freak stroke of.. luck? (Or so he would think maybe?) then I'd be able to catch his butt, even if it was through a "tackle"

Kymii, using the YouTube video ( 16 dogs that  Steve Smith posted )  as an example of why you can keep  Ziggy off leash is like seeing a skilled performer juggling flaming torches and swords, catching them in mid air, and thinking it was fine to take a burning log from the fireplace and try the same thing.  I hope no one else interprets this amazing video the same dangerous way. 

Amen!!! Kymii, you are living in a dream if you think you can out run your dog or kick away an attacking dog. We all would give it our best shot to protect our dogs but some things are not humanly possible. Of course, perhaps you wear a cape and tights?


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