My Luna is limping this morning, when I woke up and opened her cage door to take her out for her potty break. It's her hind left leg where I'm sure they put the anesthesia into. And it's the 2nd day I've had her back since the night I picked up her from the vets. Everything was fine and she was walking normal till this morning. Could it be that the anesthesia has worn off completely that's why she is noticing the pain from the wound now? I don't know has anyone had an issue with their baby girls after a spaying? and I don't know if she's whining a little bit here and there just to get my attention or if it's because of the uncomfortableness. :( please help and thank you!

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Sorry to hear your baby is experiencing some discomfort.  Hopefully it's nothing, but a call to the vet might be a quick way to either alleviate your fears if this is normal, or get her help if she needs it.

I agree that a call to your Vet will help.  My pup didn't limp after her spay, but each dog is different.  Yours may be sore or maybe it's an unrelated issue.  Mine was trying to run in circles the moment they took her out of the kennel at the Vet's office.  :/

Thank you guys for your replies yes I called but that guy at the front desk I swear is a bumbling moron. He doesn't know anything and all he said was to bring her back if it gets worse. How the heck am I suppose to know if she's worse. I mean the least he could have said was. "Oh this is normal for some dogs that she might be experiencing some pain from the area which is why she's lifting her leg, but if she's still limping and has her left hind leg still up by tomorrow I would suggest bringing her in." 

But no all he said was, "hmm.... (long pause) if it gets worse bring her in." *sigh* I sometimes don't understand why some people get into the field if they're not going to at least show a little bit of sympathy. Just because it's not your puppy doesn't mean they don't mean anything to us.

I'm sorry I just had to get that out :( But right now Luna was actually walking normal? that is so strange! For the whole half of the morning she was limping now just now before her nap she was walking just fine... I don't know. I just hope she's not going to go back and limp again than i'm really just gonna have to bring her in. And pray that the stupid front desk guy is off by then. lol

Hey Michelle,  sorry to hear you had that experience.  I guess I based my advice to you on the experience I have had with my vet.  Any time I have called, they are never dismissive of my probably silly questions, and they always consult with one of the vets before they give me an answer.  (And I have called them in a panic on more than one occasion with what I felt like were emergency situations.)   Many times one of the vets actually calls me back themselves.  You shouldn't be afraid to press a little if you feel you are not getting the expected level of attention, and ask the receptionist to double check with the vet.  It is better to be safe than sorry.
Hi Sandy, yeah I know but I've just never liked this front desk reception guy but I've had great experience with all the ladies there and the doctor himself. Just this guy I don't like talking to. I'm hoping by 3 in the afternoon he'd be gone so I will call again to speak with one of the ladies in for the night shift. I'm sure I'll get  abetter reaction with them and someone that actually cares for my dogs discomfort. Or at least let me know that that is the case. :)
It may be that the incision is sore when she moves that leg and so she is trying to favor that leg.
Yeah that's what I kinda figured. But better to be safe than sorry so I'm getting what I can with everyone's opinion. *sigh* it just gave me a scare this morning the shock of just waking up and her limping. :( but that is the conclusion I'm coming to since she stopped limping I will have to see how she reacts for the rest of the day. :( wish me luck.
Oh and Luna is going in and out of the limping thing. So i'm starting to think yeah it is the wound that is bothering her. I will just have to carry her to all the way out to the grass area out front of the apt instead of having her walk the ways. Just so she doesn't have to walk as much. My poor baby girl.

I don't blame you for checking with the vet.  I remember, though, that Maddie would wince and stop and look at her side suspiciously after she was spayed. 


Poor Luna!

Aww poor Maddie. But she made through it. I'm just gonna try massaging her leg gently to see if it helps :(
Generally the anesthetic used to first put her to sleep is given in one of the front legs, then the anesthetic is maintained using gas so it shouldn't have anything to do with where the anesthetic was given. Two thoughts come to mind for her limping only on the left leg, 1) dogs are tied down for surgery and since they are unconscious there is no reflex from the dog to say hey you are pulling/tying my leg too tight. She may be sore from having her legs tied too wide or too tight. 2) it may be that some of the stitches from the incision are poking into her causing her to lift that leg or that she is just sore. A spay is a very invasive surgery and is quite painful. The anesthetics and pain medication the vet gave at the office will all be gone by now. Hopefully they gave you some pain medications to give at home? Make sure to give the medications EXACTLY like is says on the label and NEVER give more than recommended because NSAIDs (which a lot of vets give for spays) can cause severe liver and/or kidney damage if not given exactly as prescribed. Just wait a day or two and she will be back to her old self! The first few days are the hardest for her and for you.

Ahh that does make a lot more sense now Thank you Melissa! It could just be the stiches that are bothering her. because if it were that she was tied down too tight than she would have been limping the day i brought her home. Because the 2nd day when the drugs wore off she was up and about walking normally. This limping around only started happening this morning. :( But now I do feel a lot better with your post and you know what you're talking about.


But sadly no meds were given to me. But i'm sure if by tomorrow she doesn't stop limping i'm going back to the vets and asking for some pain meds. Thank you so much you've been very helpful better than that stupid reception guy that i called at the vets office lol THanks a bunch!


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