Steve, 4 1/2, started limping a week ago. Initially, I thought it was due to the frapping while on his daily walk but he was walking normally afterward (he always fraps at the same place during his walk). The limping started about 3-4 hours after his walk. I confined him to one room to avoid stairs and any more frapping. The next day, he's walking fine one minute and then starts limping. By the third day, he was limping in the morning and when I came home for lunch he didn't want to put any weight on the rear right leg. By the time I had to go back to work he was doing a slight limp.
Went to the vet and doctor manipulted his leg to check for torn/injured ACL. The doctor didn't think it was his ACL but wanted to take x-rays as he did have a limping episode on the same leg before. Good news is his ACL is OK and his hips look good. Problem is they found Steve has a extra lumbar vertebrae. WHAT? an extra vertebrae? So this extra vertebrae could be causing a pinched nerve and causing him to limp or not put weight on his rear right leg.
Going to the vet again tomorrow to get more info and next course of treatment or if we need to go see a specialist. Steve is on Rimadyl now which is helping but I'm really worried about him.
I'm trying to read up on anything related to what the doc said but any experiences, pointers, ideas, tips that you could share would be very much appreciated!!!!
Franklin has an extra vertebrae too! Interesting that the vet thought that could be the cause of his limping. Franklin has off again on again limping in his right hind leg and a full set of x-rays of legs/knees and manipulation has shown NOTHING wrong with him. I had always attributed it to a muscle biopsy he had in that leg but maybe its his crazy extra vertebrae! The weird thing to me though is that they were born with the extra vertebrae so is there a reason why 2 years (for Franklin) or 4 1/2 years (for Steve), they all of a sudden have an on again off again problem? Please keep me posted on what your vet discovers because I've never found or heard anything about treatment or anything for Franklin. Generally a day or so of rest after strenuous activity is enough to make his limp go away.
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