My heart is cracked in 18 million different places. My life has been upheaved. Bear (my Corgi) is safe at home asleep. His little sister Savannah (half pit bull, half boxer) has been stolen.

On Wednesday, November 12, 2009 my boyfriend whom I share a home with let the dogs outside like we do normally. They're fine by themselves. Until yesterday. Someone leaned down into the yard and scooped her up and took off with her. They left my other two dogs, but stole the baby of our family. Bear is a wreck. He'll be fine in his own time, but our hearts will never be the same without Savannah. She made our little family complete.

Savannah is only 5 months old and extremely loved. She is spoiled rotten. She's adorable and the best snuggler ever. I call her our puzzle piece. She makes our little family complete. Until we get married and have children, of course. I want her to be like Nana from Peter Pan. She has the biggest heart and more love to give than any other dog I've ever seen. Its not true what they say about pit bulls. They have the greatest capacity for love I've ever seen in a dog. Bear likes everyone. Savannah LOVES everyone. We are all going crazy without her. Bear is heartbroken. He sits in her crate and won't come out. But I am determined with every breath in my body to find her. She will be home soon, tormenting her big brother.

This is where you guys come in. I need advice. Anything. If you've lost a pet or even if you haven't and simply have a suggestion, please let us know. We would move heaven and earth to get our little girl back. This is what all we've done:
Every single lost dog website you can imagine, she's on.
Fliers all over town.
Filed a police report.
Craigslisted her as missing.
Called animal shelters.
Talked to neighbors.
Driven around so much we've wasted 2 tanks of gas in one day.
We're going to try and get on the news for the lost dog segment.
We're actually going to (I can't begin to tell you how weird this is, but she's found a lot of dogs) a dog psychic. Yeah. A dog psychic. She's located TONS of lost dogs. Seriously though... how do you file your taxes? Profession? Psychic dog whisperer. Weird. We're exploring all avenues. I don't care if someone has to read my palm or cut me with her tarot cards, I want my little girl back.
Put out ads in the newspapers.

I mean just about everything you can think of, we're busting our tushies. We've driven around calling her name, squeaking a toy... I know she was stolen. Someone has been stealing pit bulls and boxers from our area. Any advice you can give me would help.

I want my Banana back. Please help our little family.

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It sounds as if you have done just about everything you can, except pray, and Im gonna do that tonite in your behalf, before I go to bed. Prayer works!!
She was getting microchipped the next week. I'm kicking myself in the head. And yes, we walked through shelters. No luck. We're gonna keep walking through shelters as long as it takes. Maybe whoever took her will get tired of her.
I totally agree with putting up fliers at all the local vet clinics. It would also be good to hit up places that pet owners go like Petco, PetSmart, groomers, boarding facilities, dog parks... they usually have places to post fliers. Also give a call to any animal rescuers in the area so they know. Best of luck to you.
Keep looking! If you have heard that certain types of dogs are being stolen in numbers, maybe you can get the local news to do a human-interest piece on it. Send them pictures of Savannah, and video if you have it. She's beautiful and soooo cute, and I know it sounds crass but the news is much more likely to run with a story of someone's cute, cuddly looking pup being taken than someone's big and mean-looking (even if it's friendly) full grown male brindle pit bull. For the news, if a story will get them ratings they will try to find room, and cute puppies get people paying attention.

If there is broad public attention brought to it, the culprit might panic and let the dogs go.
Great idea Beth!
I would contact animal testing facilities at Universities, and also as many police departments as you can in case she is being put in a dog fighting ring. I hate to mention these to you, but some stolen dogs are stolen for these reasons. Was she microchipped?
I meant to say I am very sorry, and will keep you in my thoughts and prayers for her safe return!!!
no absolutely, i've had those thoughts myself. or a puppy mill cause she's so pretty. which absolutely makes me sick.

if they did put her in a dog fighting ring, my worry isn't that she would be hurt while trying to fight. my worry is that if she *were* (God forbid) forced to be in a dog fighting ring that she would be killed because she refused to fight; i'm petrified that someone would pull a michael vick and beat her to death or drown her because she's such a lover and not a fighter. even writing that makes me sick to my stomach. and she wasn't microchipped. we were getting that done within days. ugh.

thank you for your follow up comment... the prayers we're getting means the world to me. i'll keep everyone updated. i cannot begin to express the gratitude i have for kind people like you. our baby girl is our world.
This crossed my i mind too, since they are taking pits and boxers. Please talk to your local law enforcement, if they are trying to track down dogfighting rings.

I am SO very sorry about her being taken. Best of luck...I'm hoping for a very happy outcome.
Little Bear, I'm so sorry for what you're going through. My instincts tell me that your little girl is closer to home than you think. This happened to someone in town with her Corgi. Chloe went out for a potty walk -- unfortunately, her owner didn't have a fenced yard -- and Chloe went meandering through the neighborhood, didn't come home that night, and 3 of us drove around and around looking in people's backyards. Chloe ended up making it back home the next night, bathed, brushed, smelling like baby powder, and had a new bandana around her neck. Listen for the sounds in your neighborhood of puppy yapping or whining from homes where you've never heard it before, then investigate their yard if you can see over/through the fence. Eventually, whoever took her, will have to let her out for potty and she will be spotted.

You can do a Google search with the key words "lost pet" and get a ton of websites to post on.

But here are just a few to begin with: (I think this one is overseas)

I hope this eases your fears and concerns.
Oh, I forgot -- is another good one.
we've done all of these websites and then some. except for petfinder, thank you for the tip on that one. we're not giving up hope. those websites help a lot, i really hope they'll give us some results.


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