My heart is cracked in 18 million different places. My life has been upheaved. Bear (my Corgi) is safe at home asleep. His little sister Savannah (half pit bull, half boxer) has been stolen.

On Wednesday, November 12, 2009 my boyfriend whom I share a home with let the dogs outside like we do normally. They're fine by themselves. Until yesterday. Someone leaned down into the yard and scooped her up and took off with her. They left my other two dogs, but stole the baby of our family. Bear is a wreck. He'll be fine in his own time, but our hearts will never be the same without Savannah. She made our little family complete.

Savannah is only 5 months old and extremely loved. She is spoiled rotten. She's adorable and the best snuggler ever. I call her our puzzle piece. She makes our little family complete. Until we get married and have children, of course. I want her to be like Nana from Peter Pan. She has the biggest heart and more love to give than any other dog I've ever seen. Its not true what they say about pit bulls. They have the greatest capacity for love I've ever seen in a dog. Bear likes everyone. Savannah LOVES everyone. We are all going crazy without her. Bear is heartbroken. He sits in her crate and won't come out. But I am determined with every breath in my body to find her. She will be home soon, tormenting her big brother.

This is where you guys come in. I need advice. Anything. If you've lost a pet or even if you haven't and simply have a suggestion, please let us know. We would move heaven and earth to get our little girl back. This is what all we've done:
Every single lost dog website you can imagine, she's on.
Fliers all over town.
Filed a police report.
Craigslisted her as missing.
Called animal shelters.
Talked to neighbors.
Driven around so much we've wasted 2 tanks of gas in one day.
We're going to try and get on the news for the lost dog segment.
We're actually going to (I can't begin to tell you how weird this is, but she's found a lot of dogs) a dog psychic. Yeah. A dog psychic. She's located TONS of lost dogs. Seriously though... how do you file your taxes? Profession? Psychic dog whisperer. Weird. We're exploring all avenues. I don't care if someone has to read my palm or cut me with her tarot cards, I want my little girl back.
Put out ads in the newspapers.

I mean just about everything you can think of, we're busting our tushies. We've driven around calling her name, squeaking a toy... I know she was stolen. Someone has been stealing pit bulls and boxers from our area. Any advice you can give me would help.

I want my Banana back. Please help our little family.

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I am so happy that you got your little one back! I read your story and just couldn't imagine my dog missing. I would FOREVER wonder where he was. It's fantastic that you found her.
When a fireman did a wonderful thing for my family (saved my father's life), I sent him a heartfelt letter with a photo inside of my dad and I together. I made sure he knew how much I appreciated what he did. I don't believe they can accept personal gifts, but perhaps you could bring a basket of snacks for him and his coworkers as a thank you. You and Savannah could both bring it :o)
Thanks for sharing! We needed a happy ending for Thanksgiving!! And Happy Birthday too.
I don't suppose it would help for you to give us Good Cop's email so we can send him an email bomb of thank-yous...?
What about prosecuting the alleged thief?
Gosh I feel so good to know you got your dog back.
And I am going to beef up that low spot in our front fence!
Thanks for sharing your story.
oh yes, he's being prosecuted to the full extent of the law. this makes mommy very happy! and no, i don't have his email but quinn and i will be voulenteering at the shelter a few times a month and make his life easier and also we're donating $100. its not much but it'll help a lot. we're also gonna bring a bag of dog food a month. like one of those big ones. we love our good cop <3
Do try to get it on the local news. They might like it, a happy-ending story. It might discourage the pet thieves, and alert owners.
Good idea!
I'm so glad you have your baby back! This brings up a question in my mind. Would a microchip make a difference in a dispute like this? I would think it would but if you were showing them pictures and even letters from the breeder, it makes me wonder if that would be any different.
Well, you register your information with the animal's microchip number, so I would imagine it would make a major difference. I almost wonder if dog thieves use a pilfered scanner and make sure a dog does not have a chip before they abscond with him/her.
I've just checked with the website of the microchip registry our dog is registered with, and signatures are required in order to change ownership records or use a form that came with the Certificate of Identification you receive when you microchip your dog. It says if signatures are not able to be obtained you can contact them directly and they will give you their options. I suppose signatures may be easy to forge (but the police can detect forgeries too) but I also think, should a microchipped dog go missing you should contact the registry ASAP to let them know your dog has been stolen and have the microchip number on record so that they know should anyone try and alter ownership records that the dog has been stolen, and thus your information would be retained on the chip. Should the dog be found, ownership is then easily identified.

Can I also make a plea to everyone to please have their dogs microchipped! It's a good investment.
I'm so happy for you! :D
SO happy that you got your 'Banana' back! So unbelievably happy!!!!!!!!!


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