My Lady Mollie What to do? Fine her a forever home or try some wat to stop her from attacking Olli.

Please I need help. I have this sweet wonderful tri-color female Corgi and my husband and i have been debating on what to do. Weather to fine her a loving forever home or for some one to help us try and get her to stop attacking Ollie. Its to the point now that she has drawn blood  on him. She is so jealous and i don't know why. We show both of them as much attention as we can. So if anyone out there has an answer please let me know. If not and someone would be able to give her a loving forever home with no other dogs please also let me knoe.

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Our 5 year old corgi jumps and nips when she gets excited, too. Probably part of the herding dog mentality. She doesn't usually hurt our larger dog, and never nips Dolly (same size) or us. I don't know what it is about her best friend- but she "attacks" him when she's excited. The squirt bottle has also helped us a lot, too.

Thank you for the advice, but like I told Jennifer, we try the squirt bottle and it didn't work for her. We even try coins in a pop can help for alittle while but didn't last. And she will try and snap at my big dog we have out in the backyard when we bring him in. And he weighs 110lbs. he could make lunch with one bite of her. But instead he just walks away he's pretty much a gentle giant with most all dogs and loves to play with them. When he's inside Ollie and him really get to chasing each other and playing. Oh guess I should tell you his name. My grandson name him. Its YUGI and he is cole black. Again thank you for your suggestions.

Jennifer, I'm so sorry to here about your troubles with Charlie, it sounds so much like what were going thru with Mollie. We've already try the squirt bottle and our friend who train dogs told us to put some pennies in a pop can and tape the top up and when she start up to grab it and start shaking it. Well that didn't work for us either. Maybe it well help you. My fear is one of them or one of my grand kids or ourselves are really going to get bit trying to break them up. Mollie has drawn blood on Ollie twice now. This last time was the worst. She really got him good in the ear. And believe me I know about the crying I don't alot of it. But I came to the conclusion I have to do what best for my dogs and my family. And to see Mollie gets a good forever home, with alot of love.

I'm sorry I haven't been on to much the last day or two. I had a DR. App. yesterday and after that I was sent to the hosiptal to get some blood work and x-rays. It took most of the day. And I was just simple drain. Anyway we just I guess you could say avoid another incident just a few mins. ago with Mollie. My husband Mike, was playing with Ollie, and Mollie was on my lap being love and petted when she just decide to start growling and showing her teeth and trying to get down to go after Ollie. I had to tell my husband to stop playing  right now until I could get Mollie out of the room. So as soon as I got her down from my lap she start right for Ollie , I had to raise my voice to her and tell in a stern way no and to come with me, she finally did this time and i had to crate her with her growling the whole way into her crate. Now then you see why I know I must find her a home with no other dogs in the home but her. Cause she is super jealous. She like a hyde and jekle. This can't keep going on. I know that Steve told me he might have something in the works and to give him a few days I sure hope so. I love her but she needs to be happy and not angry all the time and wanting to fight with Ollie.

I know this will  not be the most popular advice.  However, we've had a similar issue with Ragnar and Kelso ever since Kelso started to grow his dog nuggets.  They are half-brothers, 6 months apart, and for various reasons, we had to put off getting them neutered for longer than I would have liked so our issues started from testosterone, but became not too much different from yours.   Ragnar would just go after Kelso for no apparent reason.  They couldn't sit on the couch with me at the same time, or they'd fight over me.  They got aggressive in the bed sometimes.  No toys.  No feeding in the same room.  Ragnar drew blood fairly frequently, although I do blame his overbite for this.  And in trying to separate them, my boyfriend was bitten a number of times by poor Kelso, so was just defending himself in general.    

Having them neutered helped a lot, but there was still the odd thing that set them off, mostly some sort of jealousy based issue.  Having a bigger house and more space between them seemed to help too.  But when we moved into a temporary place that is smaller, we started having more frequent issues again.  

Cesar Milan helped.   All we've really done is use the Ssst noise to get their attention and distract them.  Once they hear it, the ears go floppy and they focus on us.  If the snarling continues, we make them sit and relax, then lie down and be gentle.  We're not pinning them or being all super alpha, but just making them focus on us, and relax.  Skeptical as I was after hearing so many people who hate Cesar Milan, I have to say that just walking around them confidently, being a quiet leader to them so they look to us for direction made a lot of difference.  I'm sure on some level this plays into other advice--it's just presented differently.  One day we did use a muzzle on Ragnar because he just wouldn't calm down and it did just take it out of him.  We're hopeful that one day they'll be able to have chew toys and the like around each other again, but we're not trying it until we move into our house.  We're still in tight quarters and it's not worth the risk.

Anyway, we have not had a real fight since we started just being in charge, using the Sssst noise, and making them lie down and calm down when they start to look stroppy.  You can see the signs of a fight coming on once you start paying attention.  The   SSSSSST also works when they are barking like mad creatures.  Quiets them right down.

Thanks Aber, for your time in telling me about your dogs. My Lady Mollie, and Sir Ollie have bith been fix. And we have a 3 bedroom house so they have a pretty big area to move around in. And a big yard outside, which thats when they seem to get along the best. They run and play and chase each other and tackle each other its like there 2 different dogs. I will try your  SSSSSST but when Mollie mad she mad. I've had her in my lap and its all I can do to hold her there and talk to her and try to get her to calm down. She almost like a Hyde and Jekel. I minute she very calm and the next she mad for know reason at Ollie.

I know what you mean.  Ragnar is the sweetest boy with everyone in the world except Kelso when he's mad at him.  And he is like a different dog then. And we have the same thing--they do have a big yard here and they've only had a fight 2 times there.  Once over a stick they were tugging (and I'm not convinced that was really a fight) and once out of the clear blue sky.  It freaked out the neighbors too, which wasn't fun.  

Pay attention to Mollie's body language.  If her ears prick forward, her pupils get smaller, her body tenses at all--sometimes you can learn the cues and head off a problem before it starts.  Ragnar sometimes freaks out when there's a knock at the door or if the upstairs neighbors come in.  If he's overly agitated about something else, he'll snap at his brother.  Once a dog is really wound up, it's much harder to calm them, so if you can catch it early, you're doing everyone a favor.  It seems like the longer we go without an issue, the better they are getting too-he isn't as angry about hearing the neighbors, or someone at the door.  He just barks. 

The other thing i meant to add is that they both need to know that you are in charge.  We've gotten Ragnar to stop being stroppy and possessive about things by teaching him that they aren't automatically his just by virtue of falling on the floor.  I think it's related to the ideas behind the Nothing in Life is Free method.  We just barge in, tell him "it's mine, drop it" and he does.  Then he doesn't want to fight, because he knows it isn't his to fight over.  It's important in those kinds of situations that she drop whatever it is and that you don't have to go in after it.  I don't know if Mollie is possessive of things or not, or just you, but just in case.  I guess the thing is that they can never feel like they're in charge--that they must know that you are, but you're all part of one big happy pack. 

The other thing to try is colostrum.   Some wonderful soul on here recommended Vermont naturals Calming Chews (which are available from amazon or Petco), and one of the main ingredients in them is colostrum. This is a completely natural amino acid found in the milk of all mammals shortly before and after giving birth.  Something about it tremendously soothing (as well as really good for the immune system) and it calms your dog without making him dopey.  I bought the chews for a bit, then figured out I could just buy a bottle of colostrum from the health food store and sprinkle it in their food. 

Thanks for the info. I will go tomorrow and get some colostrum and try it. How much do you sprinkle on there food.

Jerrie: A good point about the Nothing in Life is Free. Everyone should use this method of being around their dogs. You can look it up on the internet. The dog gets nothing for free. If she comes over and ask for attention. Ignore her. Wait until she stops asking then call her over and give her all the love you want. Don't let them go through the door ahead of you. Make them earn their meals by doing a few sits and downs. I would guess that if Mollie wants your attention, taking your attention away from her by putting her in a crate when she does not behave may help when you keep doing it consistently. Even if you have decided to definitely find a new home for her, you need to be able to live with her while you look. We wish you luck.

Thank you so much for your advice we are trying some of these things out.


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