We're having some issues with our 7 month old pup, where she is scraping her nails (and occasionally her skin) on her front paws bloody when walking. It's the same nail on each foot (the second from the outside). It would seem that when she walks, she often drags the top of her foot, and hence the scraping. It's not the front of her nails, but more the side of them, so nail length doesn't seem to be a factor here.

I'm a little stuck -- we live in suburbia and it's basically a concrete jungle around here, so our options are basically sidewalk or not walking (not an option; she needs her walks every day!) Have any of you run into this issue before, and have any suggestions?

I was looking into maybe getting her some booties to wear to protect her feet, but am not sure if that's a viable solution...

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Murray does a bit of foot dragging too, but it's never been bad enough to bloody them.  We live downtown in a concrete jungle .  One hope is that it will get better as he gets older.  Murray's don't wear as bad anymore. There was a post on the Pembroke Welsh Corgi Facebook page where they showed making booties out of baby socks wrapped with duct tape and no slip pads on the bottom.  Commercial booties don't tend to fit Corgis very well.

Hi Rebecca, my Cardi, Rhys, has the same problem. He's pretty large-bodied and very short legged so when he walks he doesn't move his paws straight forward but swings them out at an angle. I tried booties but he wouldn't keep them on. The only solution that has worked is to walk on grass for our long walks and on sidewalks for very short, slow walks. I also keep his nails trimmed short and try to keep his weight down...ish. good luck

Wow! That would alarm me... But then to hear that other corgis do the same thing -- hm. Is she overweight? Maybe it has to do with the leg deformity caused by the dwarfism.

I'd consider driving her to a park for walks. But here's a product that might help: http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_display.cfm?pcatid=1408  I've heard of it in the past but never had any reason to try it. They claim the things stay on for three months -- and if you only needed two, a set of them would last a long time. Just be careful not to use it as a reason not to keep those two nails trimmed.

Years ago I had a Ger-shep that dragged her hind legs until she ground down her nails...but that was because of her advanced age and deteriorating hips. Might want to have Pup checked by a vet, though. Preferably by one who knows something about Corgis, Boston bulls, dachshunds, and similarly dwarfed dogs.

Definitely not overweight; she's on the thin side, if anything.

I talked to the breeder, and she said that she had seen similar behavior in both the parents, although not to the point of it being an issue. It appears to be something that is seen in some Corgis.

Not sure what we'll do at this point; she's getting spayed tomorrow, so we have a while to think about it before taking any lengthy walks, at least.

Somebody...I can't remember who..( might have been on this website) told me that was not unusual in Corgis.  I haven't worried about it, but Murray's stride looks fine.  He also is big boned and on the longish side.  He runs agility and goes to a chiropractor who has not commented that his stride is off.  A vet with that sort of training might be worth checking into to see what they think.  Hopefully he'll grow out of it.

I don't think the nail caps would last long dragging on concrete.  Dog run or park would be alternatives even if you have to drive to them. 

My Maddie drags a bit due to some arthritis issues, and perhaps due to her seizure meds. My vet said if the nails get any worse she may need nail caps. So based on that, I would suggest nail caps.

But with a young dog, I would first have the vet do and exam to make sure there are no pain issues.

Jack always has one nail that is kept short due to some slight dragging when he walks, but not bad enough to cause an issue.


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