My girl has a very active brain, to keep her from getting into trouble i find teaching fun tricks helps. I have run out of ideas, and looking for some more uncommon and funny tricks (non structured behaviour tricks).


So far she does:


- Paw

- High five

- High ten

- Side/Bang

- Roll over

- Speek

- Louder (barks louder each time i say it)

- Over

- Under

- Eight (weave between legs)

- Spin

- Around

- Nod

- Back up

- Finish (comes and sits beside me facing the same direction as i am)

- To your spot (goes to corner where i feed her and sits and wait till i tell her to eat)

- Shake (shakes off water on command so she doesn't get anyone wet)

- Freeze

- Jump

- Beg

- Sit Pretty

- Yawn

- Fetch

- Find it (finds hidden treat(s) in room)

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My boyfriend's roommate has a chow/border collie who stands up on her hind legs. Well, more like she sits and brings her front end off the ground. Waffle picked this up from her and we're teaching him to "stand". Sometimes he loses his balance and ends up "dancing" (spinning around while on his hind legs.) I don't know how you would teach this... but it's something that isn't on your list!
The beg is her standing, and sit pretty is her but on ground and paws in air. But i will add dance.
Does she know the name to all of her toys? I've taught Alwyn that when he was young and anytime we give him a new toy, he knows its name by repeating it only a couple of times. He even knows the difference between "Big Bobo" and "Little Bobo" as well as "Crinkle Frog" or I ask him to get another "Frog". Even if I don't ask him for a particular toy, I'll say "Alwyn, go get me toy! Choose a toy!" and he'll usually go for his favorite. I can also put one toy in one hand and another in the other hand. I'll say aloud which one is in which hand and ask him "Alwyn, where the ____" and he'll jump to the toy I'm asking him to get. Those are fun tricks to do and I'm sure you'll enjoy them as well.
Love it, well she know mr. carrot and cw but i can get her to learn all of her toys. and to bring me a particular toy. I can say got play with "mr.carrot" /"cow" and she will go play with it but that is the extent. Great idea thanks.
You're very welcome! Let us know how she does.
Edison does tricks both ways! "Roll over" and "widdishins" are rolling over in different directions- as are "spin" and "twirl". "Paw" and "Shake" are his right and left paws respectively. We also have "talk" and "speak" which are two different volumes of bark ("talk" is more of a rumble). One of the cutest is "Clap your paws" which he can only do while being held upright in someone's lap. The only actually useful trick is "Dish"; we often give him the Tupperware from our lunches or other food containers for him to lick out, but he often leaves it in the living room or bedroom, and "Dish!" gets him to fetch it back to the kitchen. :)

Things we are still working on:

1) "Go to [name of human]". He knows Mommy, Daddy and Jason (our housemate) but really no one else.
2) "Wave". He keeps on wanting to clap both paws instead of waving one.
3) Military commands. "About face" (or, properly pronounced, "Aboouuuuuuuuuuut HACE!") causes serious confusion and "Forward march" ("Forwaaaaaaaaaaaaard HARCH!") is a problem has he doesn't care to travel in a straight line unless it's to food.
Lucky knows the names of all his toys, sonny doesn't bother with toys or tricks
Thats my two Adora loves tricks, Rhun know the basic obedience and could care less about any new ones. When we try he just jumps at our hands to get the treat or toy. But he loves to watch adora do her tricks and training.


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