Franklin used to HATE his crate. He was crate trained and slept in there at night but when he was six months old and I had him neutered there was just something about the crate and the cone that made him absolutely hate to be in there. He never really liked it to begin with, but after the neuter it was some what of a fight to get him to use it. So, I made the decision to let him out to sleep on my bed with me. Over the last year and a half I would periodically take the crate out and try to get him interested in it again, mostly in case somebody was watching him, so I could take his "bed"/safe spot with him to their house. Well he's always ignored it. About a week ago I took it out again. The weird thing is, this time he LOOOVEEESSS it! He constantly goes in there now to sleep and will even sleep in there at night if I don't make him come to bed with me. I'm so happy he has rediscovered his crate and views it has a safe place again. Its so cute to watch him go in there and dig the towels into a nice little pillow then crash out. Has anyone else had a corgi who hated their crate then started using it again when they got older?

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My rescues never liked their crates but now love them:) As for my dogs  that I got as pups have always thought crates are the greatest.


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