Hello everyone!
I'm new to MyCorgi.com! I'm about to become a new Corgi momma! I have wanted one for as long as I can remember. I actually have a stuffed Corgi w/ a collar on it, just waiting for the day I brought one home. Now its almost like a surreal dream that is coming true in about a month!
So I am curious, what are some things that I need to know? I know they are a herding breed and I've done a lot of research! and I mean a llootttt! But I feel it is always good to ask people with experience. I see no Corgi's at the dog park we go too around here, which makes me a little sad. :(
I'm curious if there is any difference between the male and female? I've read that females can be more bossy. My stepdad's co-workers has a male and he's like insanely super hyper. However I suspect she doesn't mentally stimulate her corgi and just takes him for mindless walks. Are females good with other females? We have a 5 yr old Yellow lab that is a female. She also has diabetes and losing her eyesight :( We also have 3 cats? should I expect my little baby to be trying to herd them around the house? That would be such a sight though!
I know Corgi's are dogs that come with BIG personalities... It's something that attracted me to the breed. Little bodies and BIG personalities... just like myself. What else little things should I expect from these clowns? I've read that they are very in-tune with their humans emotions. Is that true? What I'd give to get a lick on the face after a bad day at work! I'm trying to think of some other things but they are just not coming to me this early in the morning! (11am, lol, i'm such a bum!)
I thank you all! I can't wait to hear what you have to say!
--- Caitlin