I was looking at Oliver this morning, and at first I thought it was a trick of the light...but It isn't. The center of his nose (the part that gets the most work) is decidedly lighter in color than it was just last week.

I've heard of snow nose, could this be it? He otherwise seems healthy.

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Hi CorGeek,

It could be snow nose, there's also a possibility of discoid lupus, phemphigus or even contact dermatitis. I would bring Oliver to the vet just to rule them out. Good luck!

Thanks, Sam!

Contact dermatitis sounds the closest to what you have of just the change of color. The others get sores and scabs and much worse. I would bring your pup to the vet. And if you are not able to afford it or its not top priority I would just keep an eye out for broken skin or sores. Also sometimes if a dogs nose is scraped it heals back a different Color most of the time because the skin pigment underneath is a different color. It could just be a silly flaw so just keep an eye out. Maybe post a picture so we could give further more opinions on what it's really like.

UPDATE: Well, I took Oliver to see the vet this morning. And after a decent examination, our vet's not concerned.  

Reasons? No swelling, no scabbing, no discharge. Hair, eyes, teeth, heart, lungs all good. So, I monitor and hope that Spring returns Oliver's wet schnoz to its normal color (and resist the urge to use a Sharpie). 

Sometimes a dog's nose changes color later in life.  Yuki's nose was solid black until he turned 2 years old.  Then it slowly started to turn pink and now it's mostly pink with a ring of black around the outside.

I think maybe it has to do with your corgi getting older, or yes, it could be snow nose. Or maybe it's something else...I don't know...I would just play it safe :-) But in the meantime search google images "snow nose dogs" and compare the noses to your dog's nose. But it's good to know that the vet is not concerned. 


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