not really sure whats going on?! please advice!! maybe a UTI??

ok so yesterday was teddy's birthday and to celebrate he got a long walk and got to chase the pidgins lol i made him a cake and he ate all of it. now i expected some runny poop but i did not expect this..

so this morning it just hit 8 am and i feel something jump on my back and it was teddy! mind you i locked his crate before bed but some how he got out of it??? as he is laying there with me and i am petting him he starts peeing all over. i hurry and throw cloths on and rush him outside. he pees 3times and poops twice. i wasn't mad he peed on the bed because i figured at least he let us know he had to go but just couldn't hold it. so i feed him and in about an hour he asks to go out again. poops again but walks around and is peeing just droplets around the yard. teddy has done this before because he doesn't want have to go poop to fool me to let him in. so not even a min of bringing him in he asks to go out again. pees droplets all over the yard and comes back in. another hour later pees and poops again.

but just now he was laying on the couch and we were playing with the new toy he just got and he slides off the couch and i see a small puddle on the couch. at first i thought it was drool but no it was pee.

im not  really getting why this would happen all of a sudden, it sounds like a UTI but we dont get paid until Tuesday and even then im not sure if we could afford to take him to the vet, is there anything i could buy or remedy i could try? normally this wouldn't be a problem but since we moved here our pay went from $1,600 to $700

is it just form having to go so bad that his bladder needs to calm down? hes acting normal and drinking/eating/playing find. is its just an effect from the cake?? 

i still wanna know how he got out of his crate, i looked all over it and still have no idea how he did it lol mr. hudinea 

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im no expert but its possible his food was just to rich for his tummy? keep him off the couch and like the other post said give him lots of water ~did he have a rawhide with all his goodies yesterday? my dog threw up for two days after gobbling one of those down to fast! i think it does something to there intestines and causes blockages sometimes, so i dont give them to her any more.. I pray he gets better i know your worried.
thank you, i am also thinking the cake was to rich for him. i got him some roasted cow knee bones but i didnt let him eat them yet since i figured he was so full from his cake. i let him on the couch again and this time no pee but every time he goes out he pees 3-4 times. i just pray he will be ok
my luna has a UTI right now. her symptoms did not involve runny poops. she would pee in the house in very small amounts right in front of me - letting me know something was wrong. she would go outside and seem to be straining to pee all over the yard. she was also licking herself all day. vet did a urinalysis, prescribed clavamox and metacam. urinalysis confirmed uti, she will have to be on clavamox for one more round. total cost for visit and meds was around$200. I know I have heard of other people taking their animals to low-cost vets for emergency help.
however, luna has also had issues before where my mother who has ALZ would feed her everything and her symptoms more described what your dog is describing. my mom would feed luna and kai the entire fridge. luna was in alot of pain - feel your dogs tummy - if it is "tight", they call it guarding, then it may be something more. vet told me they frequently see this in dogs around thanksgiving who have been feed too much people food....... give your dog a bland diet till monday and call vet then - it's free.
thank you, i will give him chicken and rice tonight and see how he does. it turns out i looked in his cage and he peed all over his blankets too in the middle of the night. i remember before he went to bed he drank a ton of water after eating his cake and upon seeing that i let him stay up to make sure he could go as much as he needed to but i guess i should of waited longer. if the symptoms dont improve i will be calling the vet. here in DC there isnt any low cost vets:( in SC there was and the exam was free and all meds were $10. that is one thing i miss about SC.

im starting to think the cake has something to do with it. after he ate he looked like he was pregnant but today he looks normal and his tummy isnt hard. maybe after waiting so long to go out and go pee he stretched his bladder and just needs time to heal. he isnt licking himself or having blood
what kind of cake - not chocolate by any chance?
no ..she posted the cake on the day of his party it want chocolate
thank you:) i didnt see this question lol but yes it was NOT chocolate. i know of all the things that are poisoning to dogs
I also think it may just be Teddy's reaction to a cake that was too rich for him. Since he does not seem to be in pain, I would wait 48 hours to see if there are symptom changes before considering going to the vet. For example, Sky has a sensitive tummy but if he eats food that is not his (he eats Purina Pro Plan Sensitive Stomach) he will have diarrhea and/or throw up. While being sick he is shaking and panting--but these symptoms usually clear up in about a half a day and then he's back to normal. Again, I would see if things stay the same or get better in the next 48 hours or if they get worse, then its time to find an emergency vet.
i was also thinking the cake was to rich for him. he dosnt show any other signs of having a uti. the only thing i can think of is after waiting so long to go out and go pee he stretched his bladder and just needs time to heal because after he ate his cake he drank a ton of water but if it does get worse i will take him to the vet, theres gotta be a payment plan or something they could do for us.
ok so i was cooking him his chicken and rice and he just started peeing. he was mortified and ran for the door. but i am thinking it might be that i just gave him a bath ten mins before that incident and he was running around super excited and then got even more excited because he knew was going to feed him. do u think it was because he was excited??? (he has gotten to excited and peed before) or do u think it is a UTI?????

i just dont know what to do or think at this moment:(
Hi Rebecca,

try to back track and retrace your steps, was there any new food / treats introduced lately? how about schedule changes, more walk / less walk? Runny poop sounds more like new food / stray food to me. How often does Teddy get to go out for walks and for how long? Holiday / visitor changes in schedule can cause stress, which interfere with their BM as well.

UTI does increase urination, but often accompany with pain and you'll see him strain during urination, sometime there's blood in urine, with foul smell, a fever and may appear lethargy. You can check his temperature with a rectal thermometer, normal temperature should be around 100F and 102F. If not, it's time to take him to the vet. Get well soon Teddy!
hi sam,

he gets two walks per day, one in the morning around 9ish and one in the evening around 3. he has been eating the same treats and food for months but for the holidays i gave him some smoked turkey. maybe about 3/4 a cup. but that was it. now i knew the cake he had would cause him to have the runs but to my suprise it wasnt it was just softer and has firmed up by last night.

so update on the peeing thing. this morning i got him up at at 4am and he had no accidents and wasnt in that hurry to pee this morning but went and i didnt smell anything or see any blood. he didnt strain or make a noise. afterwards he pooped and it was normal. also he played and played all day yesterday and took his normal naps and is still the same today.

my sneaky suspiciousness feeling was that, that night after eating that huge cake he was so full and drank a ton of water because it could have been dry. maybe all that pressure put strain on his system and all that water went through him

i will be sure to pick up a rectal thermometer to be sure but where would you get those? and i know that it looks like a no brainier but how would i use it so i wouldnt hurt him???


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