I'd love to hear any advice on dealing with my suddenly very furry home! I bought a roomba and that is managing the floor, we've been Furminating which is helping, and I bought deshedding shampoo.. anything else we can do??

Yipes! I am about to add corgi pup #2 (in a week!) and I'm just a little bit terrified of the amount of fur that will be around this time next year!

thanks in advance!!

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Bailey is a complete and total hair ball year round. I agree 100% on the hardwood floors and leather furniture. Swiffers are my BFF!


We also joke that Corgi Fur is a spice at our house - the stuff finds it's way into everything.

Well, do you knit?  I'm serious!  There's actually some books out on spinning your own dog hair 'wool' and knitting with it!  I kid you not.  I've been sorely tempted.

I sometimes walk around my house singing "Rollin' rollin rollin...watch those furballs rollin'...CorgHIDE!!

I know I'm not being helpful.  I use the furminator ALOT and it's awesome but I've learned to vacuum alot.

We have hardwood floors and leather furniture as well. I gave up on the sheets. I wake up with corgi hair in my mouth, eyes, nose, and ears. I put my contacts in this morning (I clean them before i put them in a case that holds a hydrogen peroxide solution over night) and immediately had to take them out because I had corgi hair stuck underneath. My roommate dumps 4 out of five cups of coffee out each morning because of corgi hair. Oh, you'll never guess what was in the homemade pasta I cook for my girlfriend....

Ella gets the Furminator treatment once a week,brushed each day with a good comb and brush, tufts pulled out regularly, and all the petting removes copious amounts from her. I still have more than enough hair to create another corgi each weekend when I sweep.
I keep a lint roller by my bed lol. I can't stand having fur on my pillow!
So what's that dyson attachement?  I've got a dyson but didn't know they made anything that could actually be used on  a corgi...

here is one! Petco also has a version that can be used being with multiple brands of vacuums...



How do your dogs react to the noise of the groom tool?
I love my dyson, it is excellent at picking up hair.  I bath and brush my guys regularly and that helps a ton.  I would recommend you find a local pet wash with a good dryer and blow the loose coat out.  I bathed my girl who lost all of her coat in one bath session, my yard looked like it snowed an inch of fur.  The nice thing is that all the fur is once again manageable, and I just have to keep up  with the brushing.


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