Thank You to everyone who has been following my discussions about Lance and giving your support.

It is getting easier, seeing him improving and just talking about it.  I am learning/trying to take things day by day.  Here is a card my mother in law sent to Lance: 



Tucker has been very patient waiting for Lance to get better so they could play again.  Tonight, Tucker really was trying his hardest to get Tucker, to play, but  Lance wasn't interested.  :(  Tucker even gave a big cute!!! Nope, no dice.  I am hoping that once Lance is off of the steriods he will want to start playing again, like when Tucker first came here 4 months ago, (March 6th)!!!  My other hope of course is that once off the steriods, we arent faced with something else to make Lance not feel good.  Anyone have any advice about what to expect as far as things going back to how they were, as far as Lance and Tucker playing again?  I also am hoping that Lance wont decide, that he just doesn't want to play with Tucker anymore or for some reason doesn't like Tucker :O  I know I am really thinking too far in advanced, my biggest downfall.  I really am trying to take it day by day, but sometimes its hard not to think about the big picture or what ifs.  I guess this is what goes through ones mind after only having Tucker 3 months and then having one get sick for the last month that his buddy has been here. 


Tucker and Lance (Recently):


A few months ago:


I could go on and on with all the tons of pictures I have taken of Lance and Tucker over the last 4 months, and alot of them laying next to or near each other. I will stop here.  : )  I just can't  help but to take pics and more pics. 

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So tonight, Lance was prancing around with a ball in his mouth, wanting to play with one of us.  Tucker decides that he wanted to play...nah, not really, he just wanted to steal the ball away from Lance.  Tucker jumps at Lance, he drops the ball, and Tucker swoops it up, hmmm, sneaky, lol.  I then took the ball once Tucker dropped it, in order to avoid a disagreement. 


In a few days we will be off to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan to visit with relatives.  First trip with 2 dogs and 2 kids, should be interesting.  We will be crating Lance and Tucker will lay near one of the kids.  Even though we have a mini van, we still wouldnt have room for two crates in the car, hopefully we will have room for luggage, lol.   The weather is suppose to be cooler there, so we will be able to take Lance out for some walks.  


Well, once again thanks for listening and responding to one of my many posts.  I am getting tired of hearing myself talk :O  


Not too long ago, I was thinking about how I haven't posted in awhile and viola, here I am again.  Same thing happened to me a few years ago, when I passed the Immediate Care Center, thinking, wow, I haven't been there with the kids in a long time, hmmm, yep..guess who was there with her daughter not too long after those thoughts.  Hmmmmm

I'm still trying to figure out how we're going to travel after the puppy gets here.  I have two small children (that means two car seats) plus Yuki and then Ellie.  Oh, and did I mention we drive a small car?  XD  Needless to say, a larger vehicle is on my wish list for next year.


It's so great to hear that Lance had a little bit of spunk in him last night!  Hopefully he'll continue to improve and be back to his usual self soon.  :)

Have a safe trip!  Corgi smooches to Lance and Tucker...and you!
Don't worry, Tucker, Waffle will play with you!

I hope the steroids are helping, otherwise, Tucker and Lance are suffering for naught. Lots of hugs to all of you guys, I can't imagine how hard this is on everybody. :[
Thanks Rachael and Waffle!!  The steriods are helping.  :)  I just hope once he is off of them that all is good again.
But of course! I know exactly how you feel! I take soooooo many pics of my Sebastian! :) Corgis are the best!


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