Thank You to everyone who has been following my discussions about Lance and giving your support.

It is getting easier, seeing him improving and just talking about it.  I am learning/trying to take things day by day.  Here is a card my mother in law sent to Lance: 



Tucker has been very patient waiting for Lance to get better so they could play again.  Tonight, Tucker really was trying his hardest to get Tucker, to play, but  Lance wasn't interested.  :(  Tucker even gave a big cute!!! Nope, no dice.  I am hoping that once Lance is off of the steriods he will want to start playing again, like when Tucker first came here 4 months ago, (March 6th)!!!  My other hope of course is that once off the steriods, we arent faced with something else to make Lance not feel good.  Anyone have any advice about what to expect as far as things going back to how they were, as far as Lance and Tucker playing again?  I also am hoping that Lance wont decide, that he just doesn't want to play with Tucker anymore or for some reason doesn't like Tucker :O  I know I am really thinking too far in advanced, my biggest downfall.  I really am trying to take it day by day, but sometimes its hard not to think about the big picture or what ifs.  I guess this is what goes through ones mind after only having Tucker 3 months and then having one get sick for the last month that his buddy has been here. 


Tucker and Lance (Recently):


A few months ago:


I could go on and on with all the tons of pictures I have taken of Lance and Tucker over the last 4 months, and alot of them laying next to or near each other. I will stop here.  : )  I just can't  help but to take pics and more pics. 

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He definitely won't stop liking Tucker!  And he'll definitely want to play again.  Poor Lance has been through quite a bit considering the illness itself plus all of the tests, poking, prodding and medication.  He just needs time to rest and recover.  I know it's hard, but he'll get there.  :)  And he's got his buddy Tucker to help him along!

Thank You! 


They will get "back to normal" as Lance starts feeling better.  Seanna and Sage are best buddies.  Sleep together, play together, eat together, do agility together...everything.  Where one goes the other goes.  It was very difficult for Sage after Seanna tore her ACL, and was unable to do anything for 3 months.  She would try to get her to play or follow her, and Seanna was good about letting her know that she just wasn't up to it yet.  Not in a mean way, but in their own doggy way.  It has been a year now, and they are just as much in love as they were before the incident.  Once Seanna could go back to her normal, it was just like nothing had ever happened.  My guess is that Tucker knows in some way that Lance isn't feeling well, and is just lending support and waiting...
Wow, its amazing that it has been a year since Seannas surgery and recovery!!!  So great to hear that she is doing so well and is back to being able to have fun again.  :) 
When Rocky was on prednisone, he didn't feel like playing with Rosie either. After he was off and it was out of his system, he was fine and back to playing with her. Those steroids just really wipe them out. I even quit his walks, which he dearly loves, because he just got so pooped it wasn't enjoyable for him. Be sure to follow the vet's instructions as to weaning him off the steroids. We couldn't just quit Rocky cold turkey. It could have killed him.
Yeah, Lance seems wiped most of the time, although he still is up for walks, but wouldnt take him on a long walk, and we have to take him when its cool out, not hot.  It has been hot here, so havent been on many walks.  Yeah, we will definately follow the vets instructions about weaning him off, very scary to think of what could happen if not done right :O 
hi Natalie, dont worry i am sure once he is off the drug he will be back to his self. i remember when my dad had to be on that. he was not his self at all. it was like he was a different man but we gave it time and once it was out of his system he was back to his happy old self:)
Aww, I especially love that last photo. They are adorable! Keeping fingers and paws crossed that Lance gets his energy back and can play again.
Thanks, the last photo is also one of my favorites as well!!  Although I do really like the first one, where they are a mirror image of each other.
No particular advice, just glad to hear things are progressing well. Go Lance!  And Tucker.  And you, too.




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