this weekend i had to run to petco to get teddy his food. when i got there i realized they were doing portraits! how could i pass this up? i consider it an early birthday present for teddy ;) what do u think of them? i know they are not perfect but i still think they were cute and they were so much fun to do. even though there was a line up he gave us individual attention so we could get some great photos. i just had to share :)

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Oh wow, I wish they would do portraits here!  Those came out really great!  I especially love the 3rd shot from the bottom, of him wide-eyed in the bucket.  That one is just begging (no pun intended) to be captioned.  Maybe something like "We're gonna need a bigger boat..."  :)

haha i have been wondering what to "call" that photo and the look on his face looks just like that

Those are great pics!    Makes me want to go get a "family" portrait (instead of the blurry, not very well lighted pics I end up with from my phone ;->).

aw thanks! i know what u mean, i always take pics of him on my phone, which theres nothing wrong with that but i wanted much better pics :)

Those are some great pictures. The last time I was at Petco and they had the portraits, I got quite a few. They put Baxter in a bucket like that with rubber duckies around him, in an easter basket with eggs, and they put him in a little red wagon. I still use the mousepad with the wagon picture on it. Corgis are just too photogenic!

Not that we are biased or anything ;->

thank you, those pictures u described sound adorable! are they on your page? and i agree, corgis are just so photogenic that u just cant help but take pics of them:)

So cute ....he looks huge with you holding him!

haha i know right? he does look big in that pic

They are just wonderful.  I love the one where he is standing on his hind legs.  There are many good expressions.  He must be a very well behaved boy.

aww thanks! he is a very good boy. he just goes with the flow and we were having lots of fun. i think he knows he was the star and loved the attention lol

I think your pictures came out great!! 


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