I know that this is not talk for the breakfast table but it's something that we all do. So...... I'm wondering if there is a better way to pick up and dispose of Olive's poop while we are on our walks than picking it up in a plastic bag and then throwing it in my trash.  I'm sure that it must take a couple hundred years for those bags to breakdown, if they ever do.  I have a neighbor who carries around an old frozen margarita pail with salad tongs to pick up her dogs poop but I just can't see me doing that!  Do any of you have "greener" ways that you deal with potty sacks.

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I agree with you. Noodles would never leave the house.
This doesn't look comfortable to me :(
Those bags do break down quickly. I had a few stored in my glove box and after a few months, they had crumbled to pieces.
Thanks all!! I knew that you would have lots of good info, great opinions and Olive and I appreciate all (most) of them. Maybe not the Pootrap!!! ICK!!
With a little tinkering, it may run on dog poop one day :)
Very interesting! I want my car to run on Orion and Laika's methane! Hahaha, that's a pretty amazing idea though, I'm glad they made it a VW bug
LOL at pootrap. That is so disgusting! The poor dogs that have to wear these :( Mickey would be so embarrassed. I am sure he would never ever go!
Since Corgis' are so short, I can't see the PooTrap working. That's disgusting!
Local TV News story: What happens to all the poop at the dog park? (really.) The county supplies biodegradable bags at the parks for us to use, and a farmer takes the poop, bags and all, and composts it. The bags degrade and become part of the fertilizer.

Must have been a VERY slow news day.
Tegan would be outraged if I tried the pootrap on her -- gross! I actually saw someone using this thing a few weeks ago. The dog kept moving his butt away. It was hilarious to see the guy trying to catch the poo...

Powerloo - practically an outdoor toilet :)


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