So I have not been on in FOREVER! And I wish I was on for a better reason, but for the time being I need advice!

My lil Zero who turned 2 in June :) is sick.

Early this afternoon we went for our walk as usual but I noticed when he peed a little blood was coming out! He is acting fine, eating, drinking, playing, peeing, and pooping! When he pees it looks normal until the end and then a few drops of blood comes out!

I don't know what to do, Ive called a ton of vets today and they all want money up front for the visit, normally that would not be an issue but last week my grandmother passed and my mom borrowed money to get to PA. I have $20 till next Friday but I am soooo worried about Zero.

I applied for Care Credit at one of the vets offices and was denied so that is not an option. Anyone have any ideas of what could be causing this and what can I do to help him?? Or does anyone know of any vets in the central fl area that would work with me??

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I am guessing it might be a urinary tract infection. Could you get a urine sample and take that in to have it tested. That at least would cheaper and you could rule that out or get antibiotics. I'm no expert though!

I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother and also sorry Zero is having a problem! Good luck and keep us posted!
i agree with jane, sounds like a UTI. one of my females had the same issue & was acting the same. the vet didn't even know what it was & just gave her some antibiotics to see if it might help & it did. unfortunately money being an issue u may have to wait till next friday (trust me, been there done that & i should get frequent flier miles for it lol). what me & my husband do when we need money bad is sell stuff we don't need or use any more. u might can have a garage sale or sell some of ur stuff online like on craigslist. that is if zero becomes very bad. i hope zero gets well soon
Aww. I'm so sorry to hear of your grandmother and Zero. I have no advice. I wish I did. Our vet here will take payments if they have not had problems collecting money with you before. I really hope everything turns out well. Keep us posted. and I agree with Jane @ maybe try taking in a urine sample. Hugs from me and Kota
That really sounds like a Urinary Tract Infection. Ella is prone to those and it sounds exactly like her. Try getting a urine sample as suggested. Before you take it to the vet check the color. If it is possibly a UTI it will most likely be sort of redish brown in color. even if you can't get it to the vet until next friday still try yo collect one. With Ella's UTIs her urine looks normal until you collect it then you can see it is mixed with blood and depending on how sever you can actually see crystals in it.

Until you can get Zero or a sample in, try getting him to drink more water through out the day. Also, try cutting back on the (cover his eyes so he can;t read this) treats he gets. A lot of dog treats contain high amounts of various minerals and such that can make the imbalance worse. Doing this might help relieve some of the pain he is probably feeling until you get him in. Ella's particular UTIs happen because her urine turns to base. Basically her urine is not acidic enough to break down the minerals and they form into crystals. These crystals are like little razors. This is where the blood comes from.

Hopefully it helps until you can get him in. A UTI is just one of the possibilities, but it sounds like that is probably what is going on.
I agree about the trying to get him to drink extra water (try adding water to his kibble) and taking a sample in. The other thing that won't hurt and is less expensive is get some sugar free organic cranberry juice and mix it 1/3 cup juice to 2/3 cups water and see if he will drink. My Sally wouldn't so I got a dropper and tried to give it to her throughout the day. My vet didn't think it would help much but it sure wouldn't hurt. Cranberry is good for bladder infections in humans and it sure makes the peeing easier! They also have cranberry pills at the health food store which is probably easier, but a little more expensive.
Lynne is right on! Make sure you read the label, get the 100% cranberry juice WITHOUT sugar /HFCC, the juice acidifies the urine and prevents bacteria from sticking to the walls of the bladder. If for some reason Zero will not take the juice, you can substitute the juice with cranberry capsule.

Increase his water intake, wipe his wee wee and get the area clean. If you start right away, it should clear up within a week or 2. If the problem still persist after that, that means its a more serious case and he'll need antibiotics.

Get well soon Zero!
Sam they now suggest fresh squeezed lemon juice for this type of infection in people, they say it works better. Would lemons be okay for dogs as the cranberry juice. They say it clears you out better and keeps stones from forming as well. Just wondering if this would be better or worse.
Hi Marion and Vern,

Pure Cranberry juice (no sugar / high fructose corn syrup) helps prevent bacteria from sticking to the bladder's interior lining, it does not have the re-resistance effect like antibiotic. The Quinic acid in cranberries can dissolve calcium phosphate stone. (small ones)

Lemon juice is effective in uric acid stone. (small ones)

So it depends on what kind of stone, location and how big :) Funny story, years ago I had a human patient who refused surgery and insisted on drinking her own mixture. Bless her heart, she came back a week later and we did a PCNL on her, the stone was 25mm! To give you an idea, you can only pass a 4mm stone with 90% success rate.
This all sounds like great advice! Good luck with your boy, Zero!
Wow thanks everyone for the wonderful information!! We started yesterday with giving him more water. He is still my happy boy running around being crazy, Last night when we went for our walk his pee was really light in color which it hasnt been before and there was no noticeable blood. Same thing this morning! One of the vet techs I talked to suggested putting a little but of garlic in his food since that is a natural antibiotic so we started that last evening. I am keeping a close eye on him (which he is loving the extra attention) so if he seems to be getting worse I dont care what it takes I will get him seen ASAP!
I agree with all the posts. To get them to drink more - add a little chicken broth to their water.
Lucky was just diagnosed with a UTI - $136 at the vet, including the 3 wks of antibiotics (I know, I should have taken the Rx elsewhere!) Anyway, to add to the advice given here, they also told us to make sure that Lucky was completely emptying his bladder everytime he pees. I don't know if this would be for all dogs, or in Lucky's case because he is on a cart and often incontinent. I just thought i should add. I know that expressing urine is gross sounding to some, but if it can help your little one...


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