Bubba is kept in the kitchen behind baby gates, pee pads and food, water. I have the radio on in the dining room as to not leave him in total silence all day. This past Tuesday when I got home from work he wasn't himself when I let him out. He usually bounds out, races toward one of his teddy bears on the living room floor, grabs one and shakes it and then I through some small treats for him and that little nub twitches left and right.

This didn't happen Tuesday. He was more aloof with little response from him. I went into the kitchen and noticed spots all over the floor about every 12 inches or so and by the gate he had salivated so much it took a towel to clean it up. He paced all evening, panting and dripping saliva as if he'd been on a long walk. He never has been a velcro type but was that evening not letting me out of his sight and kept walking up to me as if he wanted attention/affection. I gladly gave it then he'd walk away and come back again. He never stopped pacing more than 20 seconds until finally about two hours later I put him in his crate to get him to hopefully relax. I came back to let him out about 30 minutes later and he had salivated so much that his bed was wet. We went downstairs to where the computer is and he got right under my legs, something he never did before, and just stood there moving back and forth.

He acted confused and like he didn't know what to do with himself. Later when we went to bed he went to his crate but immediately came out again. I had to close the door to keep him in. He walked around inside the crate like he didn't know what to do with himself but finally settled down.

Needless to say he went to the vet. She did a series of test including a complete CBC, body check, teeth, ears, eyes and couldn't find anything obviously wrong and the blood test came back fine. She seems to think he could have had a mild seizure during the day but I'm having a hard time believing that. This has happened a couple times before over the past 4-5 months but never to this degree. He's paced, panted, etc. before but not as long as this. Can someone shed some light on what may be going on or why?

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Yikes, how scary!:(

Did you take him to the vet the previous times? Did they say anything then?

I know that I saw someone on here say that basically seizures can leave no traces or signs, so if the vet doesn't see it, then they won't know for sure, etc. So it's possible. I am sure that someone else with a lot more knowledge will answer shortly...

Hope Bubba is feeling better.

When locked in the kitchen does he haev any access to anything under the sink, cleaning products, garbage, etc? It sounds to me like he ingested something if he was drooling so much. Seizures would cause him to be unaware and maybe restless but I wouldn't expect to see it for the whole day after. With drooling like that and restlessness I'd think some kind of GI upset or a sore tooth/mouth. I hope he is feeling better!

I didn't take him to the vet before as I figured it was just anxiety over the guy cutting grass out front when I was away. For some reason he doesn't like him or like him cutting our front yard-one of the two but, he doesn't go on and on pacing like he did Tuesday. Moreover, the guy that cuts the yard wasn't here that day so I can pretty much write that off.

He doesn't try to get into things when I'm gone but before I got him I installed baby locks on the cabinets just in case as I didn't know how he'd be about that sort of thing but he's proven to be most trustworthy and doesn't bother a thing. The only ting he could have gotten to was his food and water bowl-nothing else is left out.

Like Melissa says, it does not sound like a seizure, more like something having to do with the mouth or stomach.  I'm wondering if he could have been bitten by some insect, or even ingested a bug.  One of my dogs, when she was a puppy, was fine until I took her out, on leash, at 10PM for her last potty break.  When we came back in, she  started to salivate and act similarly to what you describe.  I was so worried I slept on the couch so I could keep an eye on her during the night.  She went on that way all night and was back to normal by morning. Best I could figure is she ate a bug when we went outside, as she was quick to down anything in her path at that time and it was Summer.

i pray that its not seizure cz u never wana be there when it happens.its really sad.anyways sounds like some of the symptoms but it could be a bug or even frogs.i suggest u jot that date on ur calendar and if it happens again then it may be seizures.it was exactly 3 months when he had another.in the meantime i would try not to let him over heat, be around to many young kids or noise cz it could make him excited and trigger one. My yohan was just a lil over a year when he had his first seizure.good luck and i will pray for u.<3 u

I don't imagine a bug or frog would cause a seizure. Sam, where are you?

I don't know for sure but aren't some toads poisonous???

Probably but we don't have any like that around here...in fact there's none I've even seen as there's no water within miles of here like a pond, creek or lake. Bubba won't eat things like that. He'll roll on earth worms and snails but won't eat them. I'm sure if he found a dead frog that's what he'd do-roll all over it so he'll "smell good".

You are right, a bug or frog will not cause a seizure, but  can cause the symptoms described.


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