Hey everyone. maggie was spayed on friday. She had a complication, but is doing great. Almost too great. The doctor said that we need to keep her quiet only take her out for bathroom breaks. We have been doing that. She has a 36" 28" crate...she likes it for sleeping. Sat. she did great. Didn't fuss too much. Today on the other hand, very hard to keep her happy in that crate. She whines, doesn't bark too much. I bought a few smart chew toys...not too into those....likes her rawhide but only so much of that she can have...

I am just concerned. How the hell is she going to stay in that crate for nearly 24 hours for 2 weeks? Even when we take her out for bathroom breaks and food, she runs...or tries too...and she jumps up on us....we obviously do not let her continue in those things...but I dont know. I am taking her into the vet in the am as one of her nipples near the incision is swollen and red..hopefully nothing serious! i am not saying I want to drug up my dog, but sheesh, I don't know if Mags can stay "quiet" in her crate for 2 weeks. I don't want to cause her stress in their too, ya know? oye. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Again, first time soul dog owner....1st time spaying.

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You will NOT need to keep her in the crate for 2 weeks :) just keep activity at a minimum, no jumping, keep the e-collar on, by the time she gets used to the collar, it'll be about time for her to get the stitches out. Just keep the area clean and avoid tall grass / mud / moisture come in contact with the wound. Good luck!
lol okay. yeah, i went back to the vet today, just to run ideas by them...they said the same thing. We have an empty room right now that she use to have until we slowly gave her rein of the house and her crate. But they said the same thing...about thursday we can put her in the room to play for a half hour off and on throughout the afternoon. But thanks for replying, I am keeping on top of everything!
When we have needed to curtail activity we either leash them in the house or block off a smaller area. It will pass quickly, don't worry.


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