I am happy to report that Lances ears are improving even with lowering the dose of steroids for the past 3 weeks.  We now get to lower it even more, so he now only gets 2 doses of predisone (1/2 pred. am and 1/4 pm of a 20 mg pill) every other day.  He was getting one 20 mg pill twice a day, half a pill in the morn and then in the pm everyday. 


Our next follow up visit is in another three weeks, heres hoping we can make it that far again.  So excited we made it through the last three weeks with only one vet visit, I feel that was a huge accomplishment. 


I believe Lance is feeling better again as he is back to his barky self at times.  He is showing some interest in Tucker, and even his jealousy is showing every now and then, and Tucker is politely telling him to mind his manners, and Lance is more than happy to listen to him.  I saw Tucker and Lance briefly nose to nose tonight, which I got a kick out of, good to see.  Tucker ran full speed ahead at Lance and Lance just turned his head and took it in stride, which was good to see as well!!! 


Lances ears still look like Snoopys, not Lances, but I am starting to think that he may always look like Snoopy now.  The ears seem so thin towards the bottom of the ear, from the vasculitis, not sure if that will come back fully or not.  One ear, does stand straight up when hes really concentrating on listening to you, but does go back down.


I am all ready for the questions from people on what kind of mix he is, lol.  Aussie, Corgi Mix will be my answer.


Every time, I turn around Lance and Tucker are laying near each other and of course I have to grab my camera and take yet more pics of them together, wonder what number I am on of them together.  I took quite a few just today, but haven't been able to load them on the computer, as that feature is acting upn on my computer.


I actually just bought a calendar planner and have his medicine schedule written out each day, so much easier to keep track of, so wish I would have thought of that at the beginning of this process.  Each week I seem to be getting more organized on how to handle this crazy schedule.  When he first started this crazy even odd day schedule, I was on jury duty for 9 days, and had to leave at 6:30 am and didnt get home til 7 pm!!!!  UGH, glad that is done and over.  Seeing I don't work in the summer and am home with the kids, that definately was challenging, but we made it through.  Now that the school year is back in session, I am back to work, part time, which is just perfect. 

Just a little bit closer to slowly getting off this medicine schedule, can't wait!!  Here is the schedule he is on:




1/2 Predisone

1/2 Pepcid AC

1/2 Pentoxifylline




1/2 Azathioprine

1/2 Pentoxifylline




1/2 Pepcid AC

1/2 Predisone

1/2 Pentoxifylline




1/2 Pentoxifylline




1/2 Pepcid AC

1/4 Predisone




1/2 Pentoxifyllne


Tucker or Lance aren't minding the wet food that comes with the medicine schedule.  There are times that Tucker will be in the kitchen  before Lance even shows upwhile I am getting the meds prepared, just waiting for his treat. They both wait so quietly and patiently, unlike dinner time, Lance barks his head off with overexcitement, to eat!!  Tucker is pretty quiet most of the time. 




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Is it just me, or does Tucker look like a Cardigan in disguise without a tail??  lol  He is as long as Lance without a tail.....hmm. Someone didn't follow the standard somewhere along the line.  Still love him all the same though, just an observation from the above picture, it really shows!!
Aww, so glad to hear that he's feeling better!  I love the butt-to-butt shot, by the way!  Hopefully he continues to improve!
Glad to hear Lance is feeling better.  I've been keeping up with your whole situation on here, and it's always good to see marked improvement.  I thought the same thing you did with how long Tucker is.  Both look like best buddies together.  Hope everything continues uphill for you.

Tuckers halloween costume will be an easy one this year...just add a tail to him and he can be a cardigan welsh corgi, lol  :)


I'm so glad Lance is doing better! I love hearing about your boys and seeing pictures of them together. They always put a smile on my face.
So happy to hear Lance is doing well,  we just might survive our dogs health issues.   Tenby is also doing well but.........last vet visit (Monday) we were told he needs a diet.  Guess we have been over compensating with a few extra snacks.  But that "sick" corgi stare is far worse than the healthy corgi stare!

Thanks Laurie, so glad to hear Tenby is doing well also.   I agree the stare is worse when they are sick, although Lance is only allowed his food and thats it, so it makes it easier to not feel so bad.  Knowing that something can trigger his immune system too, also makes it alot easier to say No, although I feel bad telling the vet techs he can't have their treats cause of his issues.


Good Luck with his diet, you can do it!!!  I know it would be so much easier for me to put Lance or Tucker on a diet than myself!!!! 


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