Just wondering if anyone else has had experience with this: my puppy(who is just under 5 months) seems like hes grown very strange. He has huge ears(even for a corgi) and a small head, his head when i look at his younger pics hasent seem to grown at all... hes very thin and long. Did anyone else had this issue with a growing puppy? When should i expect his body to start growing and his head to catch up with his ears? Also when does their adult fur come in? Finnicks getting some adult fur on his back but he looks like he doesnt have very much fur anywhere! Not a thick corgi coat at all.. Hes an amazing little guy and ill love him regardless, im just trying to see if these things are normal at all.

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I remember Seanna being the very awkward teenager at this stage.  She was really kinda ugly.  I remember thinking that I hoped she wasn't going to look like that forever.  She filled out though and is as adorable as a button!  I'll try to find photos....I think around seven months was when she started to look like a real corgi.

I call this the "space alien/bear butt" stage. very normal. Even their gait can be strange. Corgis do go through a slender stage and don't mature till almost 2.

It's  the : "Please be patient, God isn't finished with me yet "  stage :-D

Franklin was close to 1 1/2 before he started filling out. I had many people telling me I needed to feed him more, I was feeding him a ton, and high quality kibble. He was just a long, lanky, energetic boy. He has finally filled out and looks like a normal corgi, though his ears are still pretty big and he is taller and leaner than standard. My new addition is between 7-12 months and has ENORMOUS ears, is skin and bones, and has a funny wavy mohawk down his back. I have faith that he too will fill out and put on some bulk and grow into those crazy ears.

Kadi started filling out right after she was spayed. Before that she was very slender. She went through a 'mohawk' stage too. She had the funniest little tuft of hair on her head!

This is a picture of didi at 4 months 

As you can see, she was pretty awkward.

Here she is at 2 years

It'll get better. Sometime they're just teenagers and look gawky.


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