For the past couple of days our puppy has been refusing to go into her kennel! We have never had this problem in the past and we don't know what to do. In the past we would walk over to her kennel, tell her it was kennel time and she would run into it. We have always given her a treat after she goes in. Well for the past two days Foxy will not go into her kennel on her own. We tell her kennel and she won't even come close to it. I have tried offering her various different treats, toys, ect. and she won't go for any of them. Today I tried for almost 5 minutes to get her to go into her kennel and I finally had to give up and pick her up and put her in it before she caused me to be late for work. My husband and I work opposite shifts so Foxy never spends more than a few hours in her kennel. I don't know what to do and it is extremely upsetting me. I want her to be comfortable in her kennel and I don't want to chase her around and beg her to go into her kennel every day. Please help! Any advice would be appreciated.